The activPALTM (AP) monitor is well established for distinguishing sitting, standing and stepping time. However, its validity in predicting time in physical activity intensity categories in a free-living environment has not been determined. Purpose: To determine the validity of the AP in estimating time spent in sedentary, light and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in a free-living environment. Methods: Thirteen participants (mean (SD) age 24.8 y (5.2), BMI 23.8 kg.m2 (1.9)) were directly observed (DO) for three 10-hr periods wearing an AP. A custom R program was developed and used to summarize detailed active and sedentary behavior variables from the AP. AP estimates were compared to DO. Results: The AP accurately and precisely estimated time in activity intensity categories (bias (95% CI) sedentary = 0.8 min (-2.9, 4.5), light = 1.7 min (2.2, 5.7) and -2.6 min (-5.8, 0.7)). The overall accuracy rate for time in intensity categories was 96.2%. The AP also accurately estimated guideline minutes, guideline bouts, prolonged sitting minutes and prolonged sitting bouts. Conclusion: The AP can be used to accurately capture individualized estimates of active and sedentary behavior variables in free-living settings. (C) 2016 American College of Sports Medicine
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