Source:Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Author(s): Monica Galan, Martin Kalinowski, Abdelhakim Gheddou, Kassoum Yamba
This work presents the last updated evaluations of the nuclear and decay data of the four radioxenon isotopes of interest for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT): Xe-131 m, Xe-133, Xe-133 m and Xe-135. This includes the most recent measured values on the half-lives, gamma emission probabilities (Pγ) and internal conversion coefficients (ICC). The evaluation procedure has been made within the Decay Data Evaluation Project (DDEP) framework and using the latest available versions of nuclear and atomic data evaluation software tools and compilations. The consistency of the evaluations was confirmed by the very close result between the total available energy calculated with the present evaluated data and the tabulated Q-value. The article also analyzes the implications on the variation of the activity ratio calculations from radioxenon monitoring facilities depending on the nuclear database of reference.
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