Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Shahram Tahmasebian, Mostafa Langarizadeh, Marjan Ghazisaeidi, and Mitra Mahdavi-Mazdeh.
Introduction: Case-based reasoning (CBR) systems are one of the effective methods to find the nearest solution to the current problems. These systems are used in various spheres as well as industry, business, and economy. The medical field is not an exception in this regard, and these systems are nowadays used in the various aspects of diagnosis and treatment. Methodology: In this study, the effective parameters were first extracted from the structured discharge summary prepared for patients with chronic kidney diseases based on data mining method. Then, through holding a meeting with experts in nephrology and using data mining methods, the weights of the parameters were extracted. Finally, fuzzy system has been employed in order to compare the similarities of current case and previous cases, and the system was implemented on the Android platform. Discussion: The data on electronic discharge records of patients with chronic kidney diseases were entered into the system. The measure of similarity was assessed using the algorithm provided in the system, and then compared with other known methods in CBR systems. Conclusion: Developing Clinical fuzzy CBR system used in Knowledge management framework for registering specific therapeutic methods , Knowledge sharing environment for experts in a specific domain and Powerful tools at the point of care .
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Σάββατο 16 Ιουλίου 2016
Designing and Implementation of Fuzzy Case-based Reasoning System on Android Platform Using Electronic Discharge Summary of Patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases
Biomechanical Stability of Juvidur and Bone Models on Osteosyntesic Materials
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Predrag Grubor, Milorad Mitkovi, Milan Grubor, Milan Mitkovi, Luigi Meccariello, and Gabriele Falzarano.
Introduction: Artificial models can be useful at approximate and qualitative research, which should give the preliminary results. Artificial models are usually made of photo-elastic plastic e.g.. juvidur, araldite in the three-dimensional contour shape of the bone. Anatomical preparations consist of the same heterogeneous, structural materials with extremely anisotropic and unequal highly elastic characteristics, which are embedded in a complex organic structure. The aim of the study: Examine the budget voltage and deformation of: dynamic compression plate (DCP), locking compression plate (LCP), Mitkovic internal fixator (MIF), Locked intramedullary nailing (LIN) on the compressive and bending forces on juvidur and veal bone models and compared the results of these two methods (juvidur, veal bone). Material and Methods: For the experimental study were used geometrically identical, anatomically shaped models of Juvidur and veal bones diameter of 30 mm and a length of 100 mm. Static tests were performed with SHIMADZU AGS-X testing machine, where the force of pressure (compression) increased from 0 N to 500 N, and then conducted relief. Bending forces grew from 0 N to 250 N, after which came into sharp relief. Results: On models of juvidur and veal bones studies have confirmed that uniform stability at the site of the fracture MIF with a coefficient ranking KMIF=0,1971, KLIN=0,2704, KDCP=0,2727 i KLCP=0,5821. Conclusion: On models of juvidur and veal bones working with Shimadzu AGS-X testing machine is best demonstrated MIF with a coefficient of 0.1971.
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Efficacy of Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography as a Practical Tool in Comparison to Invasive Procedures for Visualization of the Biliary Obstruction
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Abdolmajid Taheri, Ayoob Rostamzadeh, Alireza Gharib and Daryoush Fatehi.
Introduction: Recently, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has been introduced into clinical practice. MDCT has become the noninvasive diagnostic test of choice for detailed evaluation of biliary obstruction. Aim: the main objective of the present study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of MDCT compared to invasive procedures for detecting biliary obstruction causes. Material and Methods: Since February 2009 until May 2011 fifty biliary obstruction patients based on clinical, laboratory or ultrasonographic findings, were evaluated by Multidetector-row computed tomography. The causes of biliary obstruction, which was identified using MDCT were classified into three categories: calculus, benign stricture, and malignancy. Final diagnosis was conducted based on percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, biopsy, or surgery. The MDCT diagnosis and were compared with the final diagnosis. Results: A correct diagnosis of causes of biliaryobstruction was made on the basis of MDCT findings for 44 of the total 50 patients. Two patients with chronic pancreatitis were incorrectly diagnosed with a pancreatic head adenocarcinoma on the basis of MDCT findings. One patient with biliary stone was incorrectly diagnosed with a periampullary adenocarcinoma on the basis of MDCT findings. The Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MDCT in the diagnosis of causes of biliary obstruction were 94.12% and87.87% and94.6% respectively. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study MDCT has an excellent image quality, providing valuable information about the biliary tree and other abdominal organs. The use of advanced image processing, including maximum intensity projection and multiplanar reconstruction (especially coronal or sagittal reformatted images), allows superior visualization of the biliary tree and vascular structures. Three-dimensional reconstruction images complement axial images by providing a more anatomically meaningful display of the lesion and its relationship to adjacent structures, and accurate determining the craniocaudal extent of the lesion. High accuracy, wide availability and ease of use, make the MDCT the imaging modality of choice for evaluation of biliary obstruction.
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The Use of Continuous Electrocardiographic Holter Monitoring in Pediatric Cardiology
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Zijo Begic, Edin Begic, Senka Mesihovic-Dinarevic, Izet Masic, Senad Pesto, Mirza Halimic, Almira Kadic, and Amra Dobraca.
Objective: To show the place and role of continuous electrocardiographic twenty-four-hour ECG monitoring in daily clinical practice of pediatric cardiologists. Methods: According to protocol, 2753 patients underwent dynamic continuous ECG Holter monitoring (data collected from the Register of ECG Holter monitoring of Pediatric Clinic, UCC Sarajevo in period April 2003- April 2015). Results: There were 50,5% boys and 49,5% girls, aged from birth to 19 years (1,63% - neonates and infants, 2,6% - toddlers, 9,95% - preschool children, 35,5% - gradeschoolers and 50,3% children in puberty and adolescence). In 68,1% of patients Holter was performed for the first time. Indications for conducting Holter were: arrhythmias in 42,2% cases, precordial pain in 23,5%, suspicion of pre-excitation and/or pre-excitation in 10%, crisis of consciousness in 8%, uncorrected congenital/acquired heart defects in 4,2%, operated heart defects in 3,7%, hypertension in 3,1% cases, control of the pacemaker in 1,63% and other causes in 3,5% cases. Discharge diagnosis after ECG Holter monitoring were: insignificant arrhythmias in 47,1% cases, wandering pacemaker in 21,3%, pre-excitation in 16,2%, benign ventricular premature beats in 6,3%, atrioventricular block in 3%, sinus pause in 2.2% cases and other arrhythmias in 3,5%. In mentioned period 57 cases of Wolf Parkinson White syndrome were registered, in 4,5% of patients antiarrhythmic therapy was administered. Radiofrequent ablation was performed in 23 cases. Conclusion: The development of pediatric cardiac surgery has initiated development of pediatric arrhythmology as imperative segment of pediatric cardiology. Continuous ECG Holter monitoring has become irreplaceable method in everyday diagnostics and therapy of arrhythmias in children.
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Typing of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Using DNA Fingerprints by Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Velma Rebic, Ana Budimir, Mufida Aljicevic, Sabaheta Bektas, Sabina Mahmutovic Vranic, and Damir Rebic.
Background: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is responsible for a wide spectrum of nosocomial and community associated infections worldwide. The aim of this study was to analyze MRSA strains from the general population in Canton Sarajevo, B&H. Methods: Our investigation including either phenotypic and genotypic markers such as antimicrobial resistance, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), SCC typing, and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) detection. Results: Antimicrobial susceptibility: all MRSA isolates were resistant to the β-lactam antibiotics tested, and all isolates were susceptible trimethoprim sulphamethoxazole, rifampicin, fusidic acid, linezolid and vancomycin. Sixty-eight per cent of the MRSA isolates were resistant to erythromycin, 5% to clindamycin, 5% to gentamicin and 4% to ciprofloxacin. After the PFGE analysis, the isolates were grouped into five similarity groups: A-E. The largest number of isolates belonged to one of two groups: C: 60 (60%) and D: 27 (27%). In both groups C and D, SCCmec type IV was predominant (60% and 88, 8%, respectively). A total of 24% of the isolates had positive expression of PVL genes, while 76% showed a statistically significantly greater negative expression of PVL genes. Conclusion: SCCmec type IV, together with the susceptibility profile and PFGE grouping, is considered to be typical of CA-MRSA
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DWI/ADC in Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Focal Liver Lesion
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Elma Jahic, Amela Sofic, and Azra Husic Selimovic.
Material and methods: The study was of prospective-retrospective character. It was carried out at the AKH in Vienna (Austria), where 100 patients with focal liver lesions were included in the study. All patients underwent the routine MR sequences on appliances 1,5 and 3T (Siemens, Germany): T1, T2, HASTE, VIBE, and a DWI with three b values (b 50, b 300 b 600 s / mm 2) and ADC map with ROI (regions of interest). The numerical value of ADC map was calculated, where n = 100 liver lesions, by two independent radiologists. Results: On the basis of matching the PH finding statistically we get DWI accuracy of 96.8% for the assessment of liver lesions. The average numerical value of ADC in benign hepatic lesions (FNH, Hemangiomas) in our study amounted to 1.88 (1.326 to 2.48) x103 mm 2 /s, while the value of malignant liver lesions (HCC, CCC, CRCLM) were significantly lower and amounted to 1.15 (1.024 to 1.343) x10-3 mm 2 /s (Figure 2). Differences between the mean ADC of benign and malignant lesions showed a statistically significant difference with p
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Calcitonin Receptor AluI (rs1801197) and Taq1 Calcitonin Genes Polymorphism in 45-and Over 45-year-old Women and their Association with Bone Density
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Morteza Dehghan, Razieh Pourahmad-Jaktaji, and Zarghampoor Farzaneh.
Purpose: Calcitonin receptor gene has also a polymorphism which is associated with bone mass density. This study evaluates the association between calcitonin receptor AluI (rs1801197) and Taq1 calcitonin genes polymorphism with bone density rate. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study in 2013 in southwestern Iran, 200 blood samples, per the Cochran sample size formula, were taken from women aged 45 and older. DNA was extracted from the samples using the phenol chloroform method and the genomic fragments in question were proliferated using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Results: The genotypic distribution of polymorphism AluI for TT, TC, and CC genotypes in control group was 31.4%, 38.6%, and 30% and in patients 25.4%, 55.4%, and 19.2%, respectively. There was no significant difference in polymorphism AluI between patients and control group and no significant association was found between this gene and bone density rate (P > 0.05). All patients and the individuals in the control group exhibited tt genotype for TaqI calcitonin gene and no significant association was found between these participants and osteoporosis. Conclusion: There was no association between two polymorphisms and osteoporosis, and between polymorphism of these two genes and osteoporosis development rate in the participants.
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Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c): Clinical Applications of a Mathematical Concept
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Melvin Khee Shing Leow.
Background and purpose: Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) reflects the cumulative glucose exposure of erythrocytes over a preceding time frame proportional to erythrocyte survival. HbA1c is thus an areal function of the glucose-time curve, an educationally useful concept to aid teaching and clinical judgment. Methods: An ordinary differential equation is formulated as a parsimonious model of HbA1c. The integrated form yields HbA1c as an area-under-the-curve (AUC) of a glucose-time profile. The rate constant of the HbA1c model is then derived using the validated regression equation in the ADAG study that links mean blood glucose and HbA1c with a very high degree of goodness-of-fit. Results: This model has didactic utility to enable patients, biomedical students and clinicians to appreciate how HbA1c may be conceptually inferred from discrete blood glucose values using continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) or self-monitored blood glucose (SMBG) glucometer readings as shown in the examples. It can be appreciated how hypoglycemia can occur with rapid HbA1c decline despite poor glycemic control. Conclusions: Being independent of laboratory assay pitfalls, computed virtual HbA1c serves as an invaluable internal consistency cross-check against laboratory-measured HbA1c discordant with SMBG readings suggestive of inaccurate/fraudulent glucometer records or hematologic disorders including thalassemia and hemoglobinopathy. This model could be implemented within portable glucometers, CGMS devices and even smartphone apps for deriving tentative virtual HbA1c from serial glucose readings as an adjunct to measured HbA1c. Such predicted virtual HbA1c readily accessible via glucometers may serve as feedback to modify behavior and empower diabetic patients to achieve better glycemic control.
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Scientometric Dilemma: Is H-index Adequate for Scientific Validity of Academic’s Work?
Source: Acta Informatica Medica
Izet Masic, Edin Begic.
H-index is an index that attempts to measure the productivity and impact of published work of scientists. H-index has several advantages it combines productivity with echo, is not sensitive to extreme values in terms of articles without citation or to articles with above-average number of citations and directly enables the identification of the most relevant articles with regard to the number of citations received. H-index has great potential in the academic community, but it still has not realistic indicator of the quality of work of one author. Authors described most used indices for scientific assessment.
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Effect of different types of organic manure on biomass yield, morphological characteristic’s and nutritive value of BLRI Napier-4 in Baghabari milk shed area, Sirajgonj
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Zillur Rahman, Md.Yousuf Ali, Nathu Ram Sarker, Most. Farhana Afroz, Md. Obayed Al. Rahman, Md. Rezaul Karim and Md. Azharul Islam Talukder.
The trial was conducted at Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) regional station, Baghabari, Shajadpur, Sirajgonj to determine the biomass yield, morphological characteristics and nutritive value with the effect of different sources of organic manure such as biogas slurry, broiler litter and layer litter for fodder production. Significant (P fertilizer (26.56)> broiler litter (22.34)>layer litter (22.20). This study also showed that DM yield and survival percentage were also significantly (P≤0.05) differed among the treatments. The DM% in all groups was mostly similar but DM yield (t/ha) was the highest (3.94) in biogas slurry and the lowest (3.13) in layer litter. The cost (Tk/ha) was significant (P0.01) effect of different organic manures on nutritive value of BLRI Napier-4. It may be suggested that biogas slurry may be used as sources of fertilizer for fodder cultivation.
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Anti-fungal potential of tridhara (Tridax procumbens) leaves
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Faruk Miya, Zakirul Islam, Sayeed Shahriyar, Md. Riad Hossain Khan and Md. Salim Reza.
The antifungal activity of methanolic extracts of leaves of Tridax procumbens was studied. Fungal strains Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus ocraceous were selected for the study. Disc diffusion method was applied against the selected fungal strains and compared to the drug ciprofloxacin to observe the antifungal activity of the methanolic extracts of Tridax procumbens leaves. The present study demonstrated that the disks of methanolic extracts of T. procumbens showed effective inhibition against A. niger and A. ocraceous compared to ciprofloxacin. The results of the current investigation suggest that the methanolic extracts of T. procumbens leaves can be used for the treatment of the diseases caused by the tested organism and it has significant scope to develop a novel broad spectrum of antifungal herbal formulations.
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Isolation, identification and characterization of bacterial flora from the respiratory tract of apparently healthy sheep
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Chandan Kumar Sarker, Anowar Hossen, Md. Abu Yousuf, Md. Ala Uddin, Most. Sumona Akter, Mostafizur Rahman and Md. Bahanur Rahman.
Sheep is the common name for a group of grazing mammals that may be either wild or domesticated; the domesticated varieties are amongst the most widely distributed types of domestic animal, found in nearly all countries. Bangladesh is a densely populated developing country and its economy is primarily based on agriculture. The current study was designed for isolation, identification and characterization of bacterial flora from the upper respiratory tract of sheep. Thirty (30) apparently healthy sheep were selected at the adjacent areas of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) for this experiment. Swab samples were collected from nasal swabs (10), lung swabs (10) and tracheal swabs (10). All samples were subjected into inoculated on to bacteriological media (nutrient broth, nutrient agar, Salmonella-Shigella agar, MacConkey agar, blood agar, brilliant green agar). Furthermore, all of the bacterial isolates were characterized by Grams staining, biochemical tests (sugar fermentation tests, catalase test, coagulase test, indole test, MR-VP test), antibiotics sensitivity tests and pathogenicity tests. None of the isolated Bacillus, E. coli and Staphylococcus spp. was found to be pathogenic. Isolated Pasteurella spp. were found to be pathogenic as observed in different experimental models and showed a degree of variation in antibiotic drug sensitivity test. Ciprofloxacillin was sensitive to all of the isolated bacteria. Through the bacteria that were isolated from various organs of apparently healthy sheep is normal micro flora, however these may act as primary pathogen and may produce diseases when the sheep are immunologically suppressed due to severe stress conditions.
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Bio-security in small scale poultry farms against avian influenza: knowledge, attitude and practices
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Nelima Ibrahim, Marufa Akhter, Selim Al Mamun, Emdadul Haque Chowdhury and Priya Mohan Das.
Avian influenza (AI) is considered as one of the greatest global threat for the poultry industry that the animal health sector has ever had to face. It is primarily an infectious disease of birds caused by influenza virus Type A strain. The major concern now is that a highly pathogenic strain (H5N1) has also been shown to transmit to humans and has the potential to be fatal. Since March 2007, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have been occurring in commercial and backyard poultry in Bangladesh. Good bio-security practices can help reducing the risk of spreading and controlling the disease. This investigation describes the bio-security practices of small scale poultry holders (500-2000 birds/ farm) of Gazipur district, their knowledge and attitude in prevention and control of avian influenza. This was assessed using prescribed questionnaire. This study has been conducted on 100 poultry raising farmers through household-based individual interviews. Though respondents had different opinions on the magnitude of AI in their respective area, almost everyone realized AI is a big problem for Bangladesh. Generally, the respondents were not aware of the common infection sources such as, sick poultry, their pens, cages, backyard poultry, wild animals, migratory birds etc. Most of the interviewed small scale farmers in this area were not aware about the strict bio-security process like segregation of diseased birds, cleaning and disinfection of premises to prevent AI. Although there was a basic knowledge about the dangers and economic consequences of AI, there needs to be an updating of information on sources of infection, symptoms and prevention techniques, as well as an understanding of the cross species dangers of the infection. The study has, to a large extent, successfully drawn up a picture of how Bangladeshi small holder farmers have perceived and responded to AI and what they have understood and what practices they are taking against AI in their respective areas.
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Flowering and fruiting behavior of velvet apple
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Tanvir Hossain, Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Fakhrul Hasan, Subrata Mojumder, Mahbub Robbani, S.M. Ahsan and Debasish Mondal.
The study was conducted at three upazilla of Patuakhali during the period from the 1st February, 2013 to the 31st July, 2013 to evaluate the flowering and fruiting behavior of velvet apple germplasm. Twelve velvet apple germplasm were selected from three locations (DD 01, DD 04, DD 06, and DD 09 from Dumki; DD 02, DD 05, DD 08 and DD 10 from Mirzaganj; DD 03, DD 07, DD 11 and DD 12 from Patuakhali sadar upazilla) by field survey. The age of plant varied from 10 to 25 years having satisfactory growth and good health. A lot of variations in different parameters were observed among the germplasm. Flowering season started from 22 February and continued up to 20 April. Percentage of fruit setting ranged from 65.15 % to 92.26 % in DD 07 and DD 01, respectively. Required time for fruit maturation ranged from 116 days (DD 01) to 129 days (DD 07). Single fruit weight varied from 198.10 g (DD 12) to 238.90 g (DD 01). The highest number of seeds (8) was found in DD 07 while DD 01 was seedless. The length and diameter of fruit ranged from 6.72 cm (DD 07) to 8.04 cm (DD 01) and 6.09 cm (DD 07) to 7.27 cm (DD 01), respectively. The maximum edible portion (87.33 %) was recorded in seedless germplasm DD 01, while it was the lowest (42.00 %) in DD 07.
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Early emergence of axons and formation of accessory nerve (XI) in avian embryos
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Ziaul Haque, Azimul Haque, Qin Pu and Ruijin Huang.
Development of the nervous system involves specification of distinct classes of neurons at defined locations within the central nervous system (CNS). In the headtrunk-transitory region accessory nerve (XI) display a unique axonal trajectory in that they ascend along the lateral margin of the spinal cord and the medulla oblongata. At present, we lack a detailed description of early emergence and development of the accessory nerve (XI) in avian embryos. To know the early projection of accessory axons from the central nervous system (CNS) and formation of accessory nerve (XI), whole-mount immunostaining of chick embryos was performed. Our results showed that axons start to project from the CNS as early as Hamilton and Hamburger (HH) stage 18 at the level of occipital somites (1 to 5). In the succeeding developmental stages, the axons developed, united with each other and ran dorsolaterally along the longitudinal axis of the embryo. Finally, it formed a bent near the first occipital somite and passed along with vagus nerve. This study will give us an idea on the topographic anatomy of accessory nerve (XI) during development of chick embryos.
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Effect of feeding tree forages on productive performances on growing sheep
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Zillur Rahman, Md.Yousuf Ali, Md. Azharul Islam Talukder, Md. Ershaduzzaman and Most. Sumona Akter.
A research work was undertaken to evaluate the feeding effect of tree forages on performance of growing sheep. Twenty growing sheep (in 4 groups) were fed three different tree forage diets. Tree forages Melia azardirachta, Leucaena leucocephala and Artocarpus heterophyllus were supplied in three treatments except one consisted no tree forages which was considered as control. There were significant (p
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Effect of cypermethrin on the histoarchitecture of gills and liver of a freshwater catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Shirajum Monir, Mohammad Ashaf-Ud-Doulah, Md. Khalilur Rahman, Jubaida Nasreen Akhter and Md. Rayhan Hossain.
Histoarchitecture effect of cypermethrin was investigated in the gills and liver of freshwater catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (weight 60-70g) over an exposure period of 96 h as an endpoint of toxicity. The fish were exposed to five acute concentrations (0.00ml/L, 0.025ml/L, 0.050ml/L, 0.075ml/L and 0.10ml/L) and the 96 h LC50 was 0.075 ml/L. The physical reactions observed in the treated fish were erratic swimming, discolorations of the skin, loss of reflex, hyperactivities, surfacing, increasing opercula ventilation and these effects increased with increasing concentration of the toxicants and duration of exposure. The most common changes in gills histoarchitecture at all doses of cypermethrin were curl shape gill lamellae, bulged with the fusion of secondary gill lamellae, severe epithelial necrosis in gill lamellae and hypertrophy. The changes observed in the liver tissues were cloudy swelling, focal necrosis and hypertrophy of hepatocytes, degeneration of hepatocytes and cytoplasmic, extensive vacuolation of hepatocytes and pyknotic nuclei. The results of this histoarchitecture analysis of gills and liver tissues indicate a direct correlation between cypermethrin exposure and the histoarchitecture disorders.
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Management of seed borne fungal pathogens of okra collected from seed companies
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
G. M. Kibria Hossain, S.M. Ahsan and Tanjila Ahmed.
Effect of mehogoni, mehedi and allamanda extracts were tested to control seed borne fungi of okra seeds collected from 6 companies of notunbazar in Mymensingh district. Prevalence of seed borne fungi was studied by blotter method in the Seed Pathology Center (SPC) and MS Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh. The highest germination percentage was recorded from ACI seeds (88%), while lowest (70%) in BADC seeds. Six predominant fungal genera were identified. These species were Fusarium oxysporum (5.08%), Aspergillus flavus (4.50%), Aspergillus niger (6.50%), Colletotrichum dematium (4.67%), Rhizopus stolonifer (3.33%) and Penicillium spp. (3.00%). Germination percentage and fungal association varied from company to company. The germination was ranged from 70-95% and infections were recorded 0.80-6.1% in all the treated seeds. Mehogoni extracts at the rate of 1:1 showed best performance in increasing seed germination (96.00%) next to allamanda (70%). Vigour index of okra seeds were increased 19.14% over untreated seeds by the treatment of mehogoni seed extracts at the rate of 1:1. Mehogoniseed extract at the rate of 1:1 seemed to be adoptable at the farmer‟s level as an organic management practice.
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Livestock and poultry health management in Saint Martin’s island
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Uday Kumar Mohanta, Md. Nuruzzaman Munsi, Md. Azharul Islam Talukder, Emdadul Haque Chowdhury and Md. Mafijul Islam.
The study was performed to find out the existing status of livestock and poultry in the Saint Martins island, to determine the prevalence of parasitic and other infectious and non-infectious diseases of these, and to find out the existence of intermediate hosts of various parasites in the island. Prevalence of endoparasites in cattle, buffalo and goat was higher in winter than that of summer. Prevalence of stomach worm was highest in goat in both winter (50%) and summer (40%). 31.47% cattle harbored stomach worm infection in winter and 15.79% in summer. More than 20% buffaloes suffered from either single infection with Fasciola and Paramphistomum or in combination in both the seasons. Goat suffered from some extra species like Moniezia and Trichuris and the prevalence is just double in winter than that of summer. Morbidity rate of FMD in cattle is high, although mortality is low. But, in case of chicken, both morbidity and mortality rates were high enough to make a massive loss with respect to number and production due to Ranikhet/Newcastle Disease (ND), pox in the island. About 92.11% of total chicken population was lost every year due to outbreak of ND. Incidence of infectious disease in livestock and poultry in the island is very high as because the farmers cannot immunize the animals through routine vaccination. Even some farmers do not know about the immunization of livestock and poultry, and the veterinary service is not available in the island.
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Detection of avian reovirus antibodies in layer birds of small scale commercial farms in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Abdus Salam, Md. Atiqul Haque, Md. Mostafizer Rahman, Mir Rowshan Akter and Farzana Afroz.
The present study was conducted on layer birds of different age groups to determine specific antibody titer level against avian reovirus (ARV) by indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) at Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. This study showed that ARV specific antibody positive cases were 84 out of 90 blood serum samples and the highest antibody titer was 26120 and lowest antibody titer was 288. The total 93.33% sera samples were showed positive result. The study showed that 100% sera sample were positive against ARV at 6 weeks of aged group and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 13917, 4895 and 10269 respectively. On the other hand 88.88% sera sample were positive against ARV at 10 weeks of aged group and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 9779, 288 and 5689.89 respectively. The sera sample collected from 14 weeks of aged group showed 88.88% positive and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 11727, 871 and 5250 respectively. The sera sample collected from 18 weeks of aged group showed 88.88% positive against ARV and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 24440, 1234 and 12648.89 respectively. The sera sample collected from 22 weeks of aged group were 100% positive against ARV and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 26120, 1752 and 11373.89 respectively. The sera sample collected from 26 weeks of aged group showed 100% positive against ARV and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 8566, 1630 and 4327.44 respectively. The sera sample collected from 30 weeks of aged group showed 100% positive against ARV and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 13431, 1989 and 5890.56 respectively. The sera sample collected from 40 weeks of aged group showed 77.77% positive against ARV and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 14618, 433 and 5103.22 respectively. The sera sample collected from 48 weeks of aged group showed 88.88% positive against ARV and the highest, lowest and mean antibody titer were 14553, 957 and 7436.5 respectively. In conclusion it is evident that avian reovirus-specific antibody was successfully detected through commercially available avian reovirus antibody test kit (ELISA kit) and the virus induced a significant antibody titer indicating the affecting virus was absolutely ARV.
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Induced breeding of Vietnames koi (Anabas testudineus) using pituitary gland (PG) and ovaprim at Tasty Fish and Feeds Industries Limited, Melandah, Jamalpur
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Ruhul Amin, Md. Mamunur Rahman, Sopna Aktar, Md. Badrul Alam and Md. Ashraful Alam.
The research work was conducted for induced breeding of Vietnames Koi (Anabas testudineus) using carp PG and Ovaprim hormone at Tasty Fish and Feeds Industries Limited, Melandah, Jamalpur during March to May, 2015. Brood fishes were reared for 4-5 months in the brood rearing pond by providing farn maid artificial feed (containing 32% protein) for maturation before onset of breeding season. Two different hormones as inducing agents PG-PG, and PG-Ovaprim were used for the purpose of A. testudineus breeding in the months of March to May, 2015. In the present experiment, the broods were induced with PG-PG hormone (2 mg PG/ Kg body weight for male and 7 mg PG/Kg body weight for female) and PG-Ovaprim hormone (2 mg PG/Kg for male and 7 ml Ovaprim/Kg for female) were designated as treatments T1 and T2 respectively. Ovulation rates 100%, fertilization rates were 78.11 ± 3.24% and 71.00 ± 3.97%, hatching rates were 70.22 ± 3.40% and 60.89 ± 4.20% and survival rates were 51.22 ± 3.96% and 48.89 ± 4.41% in T1 and T2 respectively. The highest fertilization rate (78.11%), hatching rate (70.22%) and survival rate (51.22%) were found in the T1. Comparing the PG-PG and PG-Ovaprim doses, the highest breeding performance was observed in PG-PG dose.
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Impact of aqua drugs and chemicals on the recoveries of fish diseases and total fish production in Sherpur region of Bangladesh
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Gias Uddin Ahmed, Mohammad Nurul Alam and Md. Mamunur Rahman.
The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of aqua-drugs and chemicals on fish health and total production in Sherpur region, Bangladesh from July 2014 to June 2015. Forty nine different types of aqua-drugs and chemicals were recorded in the study area, among those sixteen types mainly ADDIC drugs and chemicals were widely used by the farmers for different fish disease treatment. It was recorded that GR Plus, Active Blue with Copper sulphate, ID Plus, Aqua c vit and H. vit plus were used for the treatment of EUS in Pangus, Shing and Thai koi which had an average recovery of 80-90%. For the treatment of Edwardsiellosis in Pangus and Thai koi, farmers used GR Plus, ID Plus, OTC power, Aqua c vit, H.vit plus and potassium permanganate which had an average recovery of 75-80%, and for the treatment of dropsy in Thai koi and Shing GR Plus, ID Plus, OTC power, Aqua c vit, H.vit plus and potassium permanganate were used which had an average of 75-85% recovery. Histopathology of liver and kidney of fishes were almost normal in control ponds, whereas, in drugs treated pond of fishes organs had pathological changes like necrosis, pyknotic cells, hemorrhage, fat droplet, ilets of langerhens, degeneration of kidney tubules and vacuums. However, total production of Thai koi, Shing and Pangus was 10,000 kg/acre, 10,000 kg/acre and 13,000 kg/acre in drugs treated ponds respectively. Whereas, it was 5,000 kg/acre, 4,500 kg/acre and 6,500 kg/acre in non-treaded ponds respectively in both upazillas. In control ponds, mortality rate comparatively high and production also low than drugs treated ponds. End of the experiment, it was observed that efficacy of drugs of Aqua Drug and Disease Information Centre (ADDIC) was excellent.
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In vitro regeneration protocol development via callus formation from stem explant of tomato
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Meherunnesa Papry, S.M. Ahsan and Sayeed Shahriyar.
The experiment was conducted on in vitro regeneration of tomato at the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali. The objective was to develop an efficient regeneration protocol in tomato through callus induction for subsequent plantlet regeneration. Seeds were inoculated on MS medium where germination rate was 78.4%. The stems of in vitrocultured seedlings were used as explants. Different concentrations and combinations of growth regulators were added to MS medium to observe their efficacy on callus induction, shoot initiation and root formation. Stem explants cultured on MS medium fortified with 2 mg/L BAPgave the highest number of shoots (3.0) at 45 DAC. Among the concentrations of PGRs, 0.25 mg/L IAA produced the highest length (4.064 cm) of plantlets, number (5.0) of leaves and fresh weight (0.663 g) of plantlets with the stem explants at 45 DAC. The concentration of 0.5 mg/L IAA produced the highest number (21.00) of roots/plantlet, length (7.676 cm) of roots at 45 DAC, from the same explants. The highest survival rate of in vitro regenerated plantlets in the pot was 70.00 % with the stem explants. The results of the current study showed significant increase in the growth of callus of Solanumlycopersicon Mill. Indicating a good efficiency of the optimized media composition and the experimental model used in comparison to other studies of similar nature.
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Identification of causative agent for fungal infection and effect of disinfectants on hatching and survival rate of common carp (C. carpio) larvae
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Syeda Maksuda Yeasmin, Md. Anisur Rahman, Md. Mer Mosharraf Hossain, Md. Habibur Rahman and Abdulla-Al-Asif.
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the commercially important and commonly cultured fish. In the hatchery intensive incubation leads to microbial overgrowth in C. carpio eggs that hamper egg development, hatchability and larval survivability. The aim of this study is to find out causes of mass mortality in C. carpio eggs during peak- breeding season between March to May 2015 at Mafatema fish hatchery, Chanchra, Jessore sadar upazilla. In the present study three disinfectants with three different concentrations in each such as methylene blue 1, 3 and 5mg/L., malachite green 1, 3 and 5mg/L., sodium chloride 1, 2 and 3g/L were used to observe the hatching rate of fertilized eggs and survival rate of larvae. Bacterial load of culture water was examined during the induced breeding of C. carpio with mycological examination of egg samples with different disinfectants. The total bacterial count fluctuated from 3.4 x 108 CFU/ml to 32.7 x 108 CFU/ml during the period of fertilization to 4days of hatching. The fertilized eggs infected by Saprolegnia spp. were appeared as tuft hairy like balls with a white cottony envelop. Among all the treatment 1mg/L methylene blue, 3mg/L malachite green and 1g/L sodium chloride showed significantly better (P
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Morphometric characterization of Brahman crossbred cattle and prediction of live weight using linear body measurements
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Mahbubur Rashid, Md. Azharul Hoque, Khan Shahidul Huque, Md. Azharul Islam Talukder and A. K. Fazlul Huque Bhuiyan.
The present work was conducted to evaluate the variability in linear body measurements; to investigate the relationship between body linear measurements and live weight and to predict live weight of F1 Brahman crossbred cattle using body measurements. A total of 123 male and 87 female F1 Brahman crossbred cattle of 6-36 months age and weighing from 63 to 535 kg were used for the study over a period from 2010 to 2014. The study revealed that that most of the morphological measurements were linearly increased with the advances of age. The body weight had highest correlation coefficient with the heart girth around the chest (r=0.96, p12-24 months (r=0.95) group. The stepwise regression models revealed that heart girth singly accounted highest variation (93%) in body weight for all animals. Thus, the general equation for prediction of live weight of Brahman crossbred cattle was Y=4.07HG356 (±6.96) where Y=live weight (Kg), HG=heart girth around the chest (cm). The regression equations for the live weight were Y=2.71HG191 (±13.5), Y=4.05HG357 (±9.77) and Y=4.87HG471 (±23.0) for ≤12, >12-24 and >24 months age groups. The best model for estimating body weight was obtained using HG and body length (BL) for all animals Y=2.83HG+1.80BL392 (±6.69). These results suggested that prediction equations based on HG or in combination of HG and BL can be used efficiently in Brahman crossbred cattle to predict live weight.
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Effect of feeding management of broodstock on breeding performance of bata (Labeo bata)
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Anisur Rahman, Md. Mer Mosharraf Hossain, Syeda Maksuda Yeasmin and Abdulla-Al-Asif.
Labeo bata is one of the important minor carps in Bangladesh with great demand as good table fish. The study was conducted to observe the breeding performance at different management practices in Mafatema, Rupali, Modhumoti and Anan fish hatchery and disinfection treatments of water, eggs and fry in Jessore, Bangladesh during 10 March 2014 to 15 May 2015. An improvement in broodstock nutrition and feeding has been shown to greatly improve seed production. Protein and lipid percentage of broodstock diet have been identified as major dietary factors. Protein level was 24.77%, 23.47%, 18.08%, 17.78% and lipid level was 11.07%, 9.50%, 7.74%, 8.14% in Mafatema, Rupali, Modhumoti and Anan fish hatchery respectively. Three concentrations of four chemical-formalin (10, 20, 30 mg/L), malachite green (1, 3, 5 mg/L), NaCl (1, 2, 3 g/L) and methylene blue ( 1, 3, 5 mg/L) treatment regimes and a control were compared for efficacy in treating L. bata eggs to prevent fungus and bacterial infection and improve hatch and survival rate of fry. Highest correlation value between absolute fecundity and body weight (r=.938, p
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Shrimp disease investigation and culture strategies in Bagerhat district, Bangladesh
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Azharul Islam Shabuj, Tonusree Bairagi, Abdulla-Al-Asif, Omar Faruq, Md. Rafiqul Bari and Md. Sharif Neowajh.
The present study was conducted in three upazilla (Bagerhatsadar, Fakirhat and Rampaul) to investigate the shrimp diseases and culture strategies of Bagerhat district in 2012. Post larvae (PL-13/21) from hatchery and natural were used to stock in the study area. The highest mean stocking density was recorded in the ghers of Rampaul (16796±7729.69 PL/ha), where the maximum survival rate was also found (63.00±11.52 %). The highest dose of lime was recorded as 302.58±50.92 kg/ha at Bagerhat sadar; cowdung was recorded as 605.16±118.46 kg/ha at Fakirhat upazilla and urea was recorded as 29.02±5.84 kg/ha (Bagerhat sadar) respectively. The maximum doses of MP and TSP were recorded as 34.58±4.51 kg/ha at Bagerhat sadar and Fakirhat and 27.79±3.71 kg/ha at Bagerhat sadar respectively. No supplementary feed were fed to shrimp, in where culture dependent on natural foods. The highest shrimp production was found in Fakirhat upazila (667±307.05 kg/ha) and the lowest production was in Rampaul upazilla (497±268.97 kg/ha). Sudden change of pH , low dissolved o2 levels, salinity variations, nutritional deficiency and other environmental changes causes yellow head viral disease (YHD), white spot syndrome viral (WSSV), vibriosis, fusarium and protozoan were recorded during the experimental period.
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Comparative study on meristem culture of three potato cultivars diamant, cardinal and granula and their shoot formation
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Marufa Khatun, Md. Shahadat Hossain, Md. Khalekuzzan and Amina Rownaq.
The main aim of this study was to analyze the comparative study on meristem culture of three important potato cultivars, diamant, cardinal and granula and their shoot formation using meristem tips. Apical meristems were isolated from shoot tips of 25-35 days old field grown plants. After surface sterilization the meristems (0.3 mm) were isolated from the shoot tips. After isolation the apical meristems were placed quickly on M shaped filter paper bridge in culture tubes containing liquid MS medium supplemented with various concentrations and combinations of different plant growth regulators. Meristems showed their first growth response by increase in size and became greenish white in colour. They continued their growth and developed shoots with roots. In the present investigation, among the three cultivars of potato, cardinal were the best responsive cultivars for the resuming new growth of cultured meristems on MS medium supplemented with KIN (0.4 mg l-1) + GA3 (0.5 mg l-1). Cultivar diamant showed comparatively better growth response in the primary culture and granula showed better results in shoot length formation in MS0 medium. Cultivar cardinal proved to be best potato cultivar in case of meristem culture than diamant and granula cultivars.
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Determination of in-vivo growth kinetics of virulent Newcastle disease virus in layer chicken
Source: Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Md. Mostofa Kamal, Mohammad Aynul Haque, Shuvho Chakra Borty, AKM Khashruzzaman, Mohammad Nizam Uddin Chowdhury and Md. Alimul Islam.
The research work was conducted on 105 layer chicks with a view to determine the rate of distribution of neurotropic virulent Newcastle disease virus (NVNDV) in various organs following infection through natural (intranasal, intraocular and oral) and parenteral (intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous) routes of inoculation at different ages (7, 15 and 28 days of old). Each bird received a dose of 0.2 ml contained 300 ELD50 of reference NVNDV. The highest body temperature (≥1080F) was recorded in the birds of almost all the experimental groups within 48 to 72 hours of PI. Appearance of clinical signs was observed earlier (48 to 72 hours of PI) in parenterally infected birds than those of inoculated through natural routes. The shortest duration (24-48 hours of PI) and longest duration (74-138 hours of PI) of death time were recorded in birds those inoculated through IV and oral routes of infection respectively. Isolation of NDV was positive from day 2 of PI and onward in all the groups with some minor variations in some cases. The CEF system was found more sensitive for the isolation of viruses compare to that of avian embryo. The highest HA titre of NDV was found in the brain tissue followed by lungs and kidney. Significantly (p
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Successful recovery after amniotic fluid embolism in a patient undergoing vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a rare, catastrophic emergency that requires prompt recognition and treatment. Despite early recognition and supportive therapy, the morbidity and mortality remain high. We report a case of AFE after vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery resulting in hemodynamic collapse and subsequent multiorgan failure. Management included mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and continuous veno-venous hemodialysis. The patient was able to make a full recovery with minimal sequelae.
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Incidence of acute kidney injury after elective lower limb arthroplasty
The aim of this study was to establish the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients undergoing elective hip and knee arthroplasty.
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Effect of Boussignac continuous positive airway pressure ventilation on Pao2 and Pao2/Fio2 ratio immediately after extubation in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a randomized controlled trial
Pathophysiological changes after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass may increase the risk of pulmonary complications in morbidly obese patients. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of immediate postextubation use of Boussignac continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on arterial oxygenation in morbidly obese patients undergoing laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The hypothesis is that the use of CPAP may improve oxygenation in the postoperative period when compared to Venturi mask.
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The risk factors of intraoperative anesthesia adverse events in children with laryngeal diseases
This study aimed to investigate the risk factors of intraoperative anesthesia adverse events (IAAEs) in children with laryngeal diseases.
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Bilateral pneumonectomy with difficult airway managed by using a combination of i-gel and EZ-Blocker
When we encounter the case of a patient with a difficult airway and we are not able to intubate, we insert a supraglottic airway device (SGD) [1,2]. In this presented case, we came across a patient with difficult airway, on whom we performed a bilateral pneumonectomy using a combination of an SGD and double-cuffed endobronchial blockers, the EZ-Blocker (Tereflex Medical Japan, Tokyo, Japan) to do 1-lung ventilation. The patient was a 73-year-old woman with hypertension. Investigation into her physical condition only showed micrognathia.
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Delayed onset and long-lasting hemidiaphragmatic paralysis and cranial nerve deficit after interscalene nerve block for rotator cuff repair in beach chair position
Hemidiaphragmatic paralysis is the most common adverse effect associated with interscalene block. In most cases, it resolves with the resolution of nerve blockade with only an estimated incidence of 0.048% persisting for longer duration. Occasionally, interscalene block is also associated with recurrent laryngeal nerve block and seldom with cranial nerve paresis. We present a case of delayed onset and prolonged hemidiaphragmatic paralysis that was associated with 3 cranial nerve deficits after interscalene nerve block for shoulder surgery performed under general anesthesia in the beach chair position.
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Barrett's oesophagus and associated dysplasia are not equally distributed within the esophageal circumference
A careful endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's oesophagus is warranted to prevent esophageal cancer.
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Estimation of gastric pH in cynomolgus monkeys, rats, and dogs using [13C]-calcium carbonate breath test
The determination of gastric pH is important for the confirmation of efficacy of anti-secretory drugs. However, current methods for measurement of gastric pH provide significant stress to animals and humans.
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Are neuroticism and extraversion related to morning cortisol release in healthy older people?
Source:International Journal of Psychophysiology
Author(s): S. Puig-Perez, M. Almela, M.M. Pulopulos, V. Hidalgo, A. Salvador
The cortisol awakening response (CAR) is a discrete component of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis) function that has been widely related to both health and some personality traits. There is evidence that neuroticism and extraversion affect health and well-being and play a damaging or protective role, respectively. In this study, we aimed to explore the relationship between these personality dimensions and morning cortisol concentrations in people aged 55 or older. To do so, morning saliva samples were collected on two consecutive weekdays from a total of 160 older men and women. Neuroticism and extraversion were assessed using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised, short form (EPQ-RS). Our results showed that neuroticism was negatively related to overall morning cortisol concentrations (AUCG) (i.e., area under the curve with respect to the ground in cortisol levels), but not to the CAR. When we explored sex as a moderator, neuroticism was related to a CAR of increased magnitude in women, although this relationship was not significant in men. No significant relationships were found between extraversion and CAR or AUCG, regardless of sex. In conclusion, neuroticism – but not extraversion – was related to HPA-axis function in older adults, highlighting its potential relevance in health alterations associated with HPA-axis functioning.
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Barrett's oesophagus and associated dysplasia are not equally distributed within the esophageal circumference
A careful endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's oesophagus is warranted to prevent esophageal cancer.
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Estimation of gastric pH in cynomolgus monkeys, rats, and dogs using [13C]-calcium carbonate breath test
The determination of gastric pH is important for the confirmation of efficacy of anti-secretory drugs. However, current methods for measurement of gastric pH provide significant stress to animals and humans.
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Cross-education of wrist extensor strength is not influenced by non-dominant training in right-handers
Cross-education of strength has been proposed to be greater when completed by the dominant limb in right handed humans. We investigated whether the direction of cross-education of strength and corticospinal plasticity are different following right or left limb strength training in right-handed participants.
Changes in strength, muscle thickness and indices of corticospinal plasticity were analyzed in 23 adults who were exposed to 3-weeks of either right-hand strength training (RHT) or left-hand strength training (LHT).
Maximum voluntary wrist extensor strength in both the trained and untrained limb increased, irrespective of which limb was trained, with TMS revealing reduced corticospinal inhibition.
Cross-education of strength was not limited by which limb was trained and reduced corticospinal inhibition was not just confined to the trained limb. Critically, from a behavioral perspective, the magnitude of cross-education was not limited by which limb was trained.
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A study of electrocardiographic changes in acute cerebrovascular accidents
Source: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health
Srikanth Tandur, Suraj Sundaragiri.
Background: Cardiac abnormalities occur in majority of patients after cerebrovascular accidents, accounting for unexpected deaths during the first month. The most common disturbances include electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities, cardiac arrhythmias, and myocardial injury and dysfunction. Objectives: The present study aims to determine the electrocardiographic changes observed in different types of stroke, their prevalence, and to establish the prognostic significance of the ECG changes. Material and Methods: This prospective study was carried out in a superspeciality hospital during 2 years which comprised of 100 patients. Patients were categorized based on computerized tomography findings into cerebral infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. ECG changes are interpreted with rate, rhythm, and abnormalities and conclusions were derived. Results: Stroke was most common in 5th and 6th decade. Cerebral infarction formed the largest group. Males had higher preponderance. Hypertension was the most common risk factor. In total, 74% had electrocardiographic abnormality. ECG changes are more common among cerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Most common ECG abnormality was prolonged QTc interval. Overall immediate mortality was 23%. It was high in cerebral hemorrhage. Morality was high in patients with abnormal ECG, mostly with prolonged QTc and with T-wave inversion. Conclusion: Patients with cerebrovascular accidents often have abnormal ECG in the absence of known organic heart disease or electrolyte imbalance. These ECG changes are more common in hemorrhagic than ischemic stroke. The mortality in these patients did not relate to the ECG changes seen but was dependent on the type of cerebrovascular accident and the level of consciousness on admission.
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Distribution of blood group and its relation to bleeding time and clotting time
Source: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health
Meena Mirdha, Sunil Kumar Jena.
Background: Blood group and its relation to bleeding time (BT) and clotting time (CT) is important in clinical conditions like epistaxis, thrombosis, and surgery. Earlier studies depicted O group having prolonged BT and CT. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship of BT and CT with ABO groups. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. The study included 150 students. Blood grouping was determined with the standard antisera; BT and CT were estimated by the Duke method and Wrights capillary glass tube method, respectively. Blood group and its relation to BT, CT were analyzed by Chi-square analysis. Results: Blood group O (40.7%) was predominant in both genders followed by B (32.7%), A (18%), AB (8.7%). CT was found to be more than 6 min in group O (31.57%) followed by group AB (26.31%), A and B (21.05%). The difference was statistically significant (p = 0.02). BT was found to be more than 4 min in group O (82.35%) followed by A (11.76%), B (5.88%), and AB (0%). That was statistically significant (p = 0.01). CT was more than 6 min in 57.89% in females as compared to 42.10% in males, variation was statistically significant (p = 0.01). BT was more than 4 min in 58.82% females as compared to 41.17% in males. The variation was statistically significant (p = 0.03). Conclusion: In our study blood group O was more common followed by B, A, and AB. CT and BT were prolonged in O group. BT and CT were more in females than males.
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Association of hypertension with obesity among adults in a rural population of Jharkhand
Source: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health
Chandramani Kumar, Kumari Asha Kiran, Vidya Sagar, Mithilesh Kumar.
Background: Obesity is an important risk factor for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and other non-communicable diseases. India is passing through nutrition transition and prevalence of obesity and hypertension is on the rise. Objectives: The present study was carried out with the aim to determine the prevalence of hypertension and association with obesity in a rural population of Jharkhand. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a rural area of Ranchi district of Jharkhand. In total, 500 study subjects were included in the study after assessing their eligibility for the study. Cluster sampling was done. A pretested semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Statistical analyses were carried out by SPSS software. Results: Out of 500 study subjects, 99 (19.8%) were found to be hypertensive. Around one-third (171; 34.2%) of the subjects were overweight, and 21 (4.2%) subjects were obese. Central obesity was found to be higher among female subjects (54.9%) as compared to male subjects (16.3%) in the present study. The prevalence of hypertension was found to be higher among subjects having higher BMI. This association was found to be statistically significant (p-value =
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Assessment of risk of type 2 diabetes using simplified Indian Diabetes Risk Score – Community-based cross-sectional study
Source: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health
Krutarth R Brahmbhatt, Tamal Chakraborty, Chandana Gopal, Shwethashree M, Sajjan Madappady, Sowndarya TA, Bharani Kumar Anbalagan.
Background: Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in India is 8.7%. Around 52% of the cases of diabetes among adults in India are undiagnosed. A simplified Indian Diabetes Risk Score (IDRS) for screening of undiagnosed diabetic subjects was developed by Mohan Diabetes Foundation, Chennai. IDRS can be reliably used as an effective tool for the mass screening of diabetes in the community. Objectives: To assess the risk for type 2 diabetes among study participants using simplified version of IDRS and to estimate prevalence of abdominal obesity and physical activity among males and females. Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in the field practice area of Urban Health Center of a medical college hospital in South India. Simple random sampling was performed to select the participants. Data collection tool had two parts. First part was about socio-demographic information and second part was Simplified Indian Diabetes Risk Score. Pearsons Chi-square was used as a test of significance. P-value
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The Role of Practitioner Resilience and Mindfulness in Effective Practice: A Practice-Based Feasibility Study
A growing body of literature attests to the existence of therapist effects with little explanation of this phenomenon. This study therefore investigated the role of resilience and mindfulness as factors related to practitioner wellbeing and associated effective practice. Data comprised practitioners (n = 37) and their patient outcome data (n = 4980) conducted within a stepped care model of service delivery. Analyses employed benchmarking and multilevel modeling to identify more and less effective practitioners via yoking of therapist factors and nested patient outcomes. A therapist effect of 6.7 % was identified based on patient depression (PHQ-9) outcome scores. More effective practitioners compared to less effective practitioners displayed significantly higher levels of mindfulness as well as resilience and mindfulness combined. Implications for policy, research and practice are discussed.
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The Relationship Between Therapist Effects and Therapy Delivery Factors: Therapy Modality, Dosage, and Non-completion
To consider the relationships between, therapist variability, therapy modality, therapeutic dose and therapy ending type and assess their effects on the variability of patient outcomes. Multilevel modeling was used to analyse a large sample of routinely collected data. Model residuals identified more and less effective therapists, controlling for case-mix. After controlling for case mix, 5.8 % of the variance in outcome was due to therapists. More sessions generally improved outcomes, by about half a point on the PHQ-9 for each additional session, while non-completion of therapy reduced the amount of pre-post change by six points. Therapy modality had little effect on outcome. Patient and service outcomes may be improved by greater focus on the variability between therapists and in keeping patients in therapy to completion.
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A Systematic Review of Health-related Work Outcome Measures, and Quality Criteria based Evaluations of their Psychometric Properties
Publication date: Available online 15 July 2016
Source:Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Author(s): B.A. Mateen, C. Doogan, K. Hayward, S. Hourihan, J. Hurford, E.D. Playford
ObjectiveTo examine the state of psychometric validation in the health-related work outcome literature.Data SourcesWe searched Pubmed, PMC, CINAHL, EMBASE [+ EMBASE Classic], and PsycINFO, from inception to January 2016., using the search terms: Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain Injury, Musculoskeletal Disease, Work, Absenteeism, Presenteeism, Occupation, Employment, Job, Outcome measure, Assessment, Work Capacity Evaluation, Scale, and Questionnaire.Study Selection & Data Extraction597 outcome measures were identified from the 22,676 retrieved abstracts. Inclusion was based on content analysis. 95 health-related work outcome measures were retained, of which two were treated as outliers and therefore are discussed separately. All six authors individually organized the 93 remaining scales based on their content. A follow-up search using the same sources, and time period, with the name of the outcome measures and the following terms: Psychometric, Reliability, Validity, Responsiveness, identified 263 unique Classical Test Theory (CTT) psychometric property datasets for the 93 tools. An assessment criterion for psychometric properties was applied to each manuscript, and where consensus was not achieved, the rating delivered by the majority of the assessors was reported.Data Synthesis18 of the manuscripts reporting psychometric data were not accessible and therefore could not be assessed. 39 scored less than 20% of the maximum achievable score, 106 between 20-40%, 82 between 40- 60%, 15 scored between 60-80%, and only 1 scored above 80%. The three outcome measures associated with the highest scoring datasets were the Sheehan Disability Scale, the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire, and the Assessment of Subjective Handicap of Epilepsy scales. And finally, only 2 psychometric validation datasets reported the complete set of baseline psychometric properties.ConclusionThis systematic review highlights the current limitations of the health-related work outcome measure literature, including the limited number of robust tools available.
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Goal Management Training combined with external cuing as a means to improve emotional regulation, psychological functioning, and quality of life in patients with acquired brain injury: A randomized controlled trial
Publication date: Available online 15 July 2016
Source:Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Author(s): Sveinung Tornås, Cand Psychol, Marianne Løvstad, Anne-Kristin Solbakk, Anne-Kristine Schanke, Jan Stubberud
ObjectiveTo investigate whether Goal Management Training (GMT) expanded to include external cuing and an emotional regulation module is associated with improved emotional regulation, psychological functioning, and quality of life after chronic acquired brain injury.DesignA randomized controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment at baseline, post-training and six-month follow-up.SettingOutpatientParticipantsPersons with acquired brain injury and executive dysfunction (N=70; 64% traumatic brain injury; 52% males; mean age 43 ± 13 years; mean time since injury 8.1 ± 9.4 years).InterventionEight sessions of GMT in groups, including a new module addressing emotional regulation, and external cuing. A psychoeducative control condition (Brain Health Workshop) was matched on amount of training, therapist contact and homework.Main outcome measuresEmotional regulation was assessed with the Brain Injury Trust Regulation of Emotions Questionnaire, the Emotional Control subscale and the Emotion Regulation factor (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult), and the Positive and Negative Affect subscales from the Dysexecutive Questionnaire. Secondary outcome measures included Psychological Distress (Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25) and Quality of Life (Quality of Life after Brain Injury scale).ResultsFindings indicated beneficial effects of GMT on emotional regulation skills in everyday life and in quality of life six months post-treatment. No intervention effects on measures of psychological distress were registered.ConclusionGoal Management Training is a promising intervention for improving emotional regulation following ABI, even in the chronic phase. More research using objective measures of emotional regulation is needed to investigate the efficacy of this type of training.
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Evaluation of micronucleus frequency in oral exfoliated buccal mucosa cells of smokers and tobacco chewers: a comparative study
Source: International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Vandana Agrawal, Ishan Dubey, K. B. Mishra.
Background: Oral cancer is one of the tenth most common cancers in the world and constitutes the third most important group of malignancies in India. Majority of these cancers are diagnosed at an advanced stage resulting in poor prognosis and survival rates among patients. Hence early diagnosis of oral cancers seems to be the need of the hour. Analysis of exfoliated buccal cell micronuclei (MN) is a sensitive method of monitoring genetic damage. The present study aims to compare the frequency of micronucleus in tobacco chewers and smokers and thus evaluate the genotoxic potential of these habits. Methods: The study was conducted on 60 subjects, divided into 3 groups each of 20 subjects. Group 1: with history of chewing tobacco, group 2: with history of chewing tobacco and smoking, group 3: healthy subjects without any habits as controls. Oral exfoliated cells were obtained from buccal mucosa of the subjects, 2 slides were prepared from each subject stained with Giemsa and H&E stain respectively. Atleast 1000 cells were examined for each subject and micronuclei frequency was scored according to criteria of Tolbert et al. Results: The mean number of micronuclei was 18.5±9.5 in tobacco chewers, 19.1±9.2 in chewers with smoking habit and 8.2±5.6 in controls. Bonferroni multiple comparisons amongst these three groups showed the mean difference of micronuclei to be highly significant when chewers and chewers with smoking habit were compared to controls. Similarly based on the duration of addiction, a highly significant difference was noted in no. of micronucleated cells in subjects addicted to tobacco for more than 15 years. Conclusions: Tobacco can cause and increase the rate of nuclear anomalies in both smoking and smokeless forms. Thus oral mucosal micronuclei frequency can be used as a marker of epithelial carcinogenic progression.
from Scope via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/29LRLnt