Source: Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
D. Anupama Prasad, B. Rajendra Prasad, D. Krishna Prasad, Puneeth Shetty, K. N. Sunil Kumar.
Introduction: Essential oils derived from plants by hydro distillation possess several medicinal properties. Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. fruit is nutritive, cardiotonic, refrigerant, in stomach troubles, puerperal sepsis and insanity; while leaves are useful in epilepsy, chorea, convulsive cough and stomach pain due to indigestion. Methods: Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy (GCMS) has been used for detection and identification of volatile components from the hydro-distillate from leaf and rind of Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. of Rutaceae. Results: Yield of oil was more in rind (0.12%) compared to leaf (0.07%). Forty two and thirty four compounds were detected from leaf and fruit respectively, among which citronellol (28.26%) was the major component in the leaves while D-limonene (89.04%) in the rind. Conclusion: Volatile compounds responsible for antimicrobial properties are identified from hydro-distillate of Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. from Dakshina Kannada using GCMS.
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Δευτέρα 2 Μαΐου 2016
GC-MS Compositional Analysis of Essential Oil of Leaf and Fruit Rind of Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. from Coastal Karnataka, India
Efficacy of Exercise Intervention for Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Meta-Analysis and Implications
The global rise in obesity prevalence among children and adolescents has been linked to modifiable lifestyle factors, including lack of physical activity. However, no known meta-analysis has been conducted on the effects of exercise intervention on body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight and obese adolescents.
The aim of this study was to (1) estimate whether exercise intervention meaningfully improves body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight and obese adolescents; and (2) discuss the implications of the findings in terms of primary healthcare provision and public health policy, using New Zealand as an exemplar context.
Data Sources
Electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, Google Scholar) from inception to May 2015. The reference lists of eligible articles and relevant reviews were also checked.
Study Selection
Inclusion criteria were (1) randomized controlled trial; (2) structured exercise intervention, alone or combined with any other kind of intervention; (3) control group received no structured exercise or behavioural modification designed to increase physical activity; (4) participants overweight or obese (body mass index [BMI] ≥85th percentile); and (5) participants aged between 10 and 19 years.
Appraisal and Synthesis Methods
Initially, 1667 articles were identified. After evaluation of study characteristics, quality and validity, data from 13 articles (15 trials) involving 556 participants (176 male, 193 female, 187 unknown) were extracted for meta-analysis. Meta-analyses were completed on five body composition parameters and ten cardiometabolic parameters. Effect sizes (ESs) were calculated as mean differences, as well as standardized mean differences in order to determine effect magnitude.
Exercise intervention reduced BMI (mean 2.0 kg/m2, 95 % CI 1.5–2.5; ES moderate), body weight (mean 3.7 kg, 95 % CI 1.7–5.8; ES small), body fat percentage (3.1 %, 95 % CI 2.2–4.1; ES small), waist circumference (3.0 cm, 95 % CI 1.3–4.8; ES small), but the increase (improvement) in lean mass was trivial (mean 1.6 kg, 95 % CI 0.5–2.6). The response to an oral glucose tolerance test following exercise intervention was for a decrease in the area under the curve for insulin (mean 162 μU/μl, 95 % CI 93–231; ES large) and blood glucose (mean 39 mg/dl, 95 % CI 9.4–69; ES moderate). Improvements in the homeostatic model assessment were also noted (mean 1.0, 95 % CI 0.7–1.4; ES moderate) and systolic blood pressure (mean 7.1 mmHg, 95 % CI 3.5–10.7; ES moderate). The effects of exercise on total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, fasting insulin and fasting blood glucose were inconclusive.
Most of the included trials were short term (6–36 weeks) and 13 had methodological limitations. Additionally, the meta-analyses for some of the secondary outcomes had a small number of participants or substantial statistical heterogeneity.
The current evidence suggests that exercise intervention in overweight and obese adolescents improves body composition, particularly by lowering body fat. The limited available evidence further indicates that exercise intervention may improve some cardiometabolic risk factors.
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Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with duodeno-jejunal bypass for morbid obesity in a patient with situs inversus totalis
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with duodeno-jejunal bypass (LSG/DJB) has been adopted in our center for the treatment of morbidly obese patients with both severe type 2 diabetes mellitus and existing risks factors for gastric cancer. We have successfully performed over 200 LSG/DJB procedures in our institution. Here we report the techniques used to perform LSG/DJB in a morbidly obese patient with situs inversus totalis. The only significant difference in executing LSG/DJB between normal anatomy and situs inversus totalis is changing the surgeon's position and switching the trocar placements during the intraoperative phase. Consequently, there were no significant difference in operative time between normal anatomy cases and the situs inversus totalis case.
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How to discriminate conclusively among different models of decision making?
A popular and successful class of decision-making models (the "evidence accumulator" models) has been recently challenged by a new hypothesis called the urgency-gating model. Hawkins et al. (J Neurophysiol 114: 40–47, 2015) used a sophisticated curve-fitting procedure to show that these models are discriminable and thus testable in constant evidence tasks. In this Neuro Forum article I raise possible limitations of such an approach, discuss some of its implications, and propose alternative solutions.
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A chronic neural interface to the macaque dorsal column nuclei
The dorsal column nuclei (DCN) of the brain stem contain secondary afferent neurons, which process ascending somatosensory information. Most of the known physiology of the DCN in primates has been acquired in acute experiments with anesthetized animals. Here, we developed a technique to implant a multielectrode array (MEA) chronically in the DCN of macaque monkeys to enable experiments with the animals awake. Two monkeys were implanted with brain-stem MEAs for 2–5 mo with no major adverse effects. Responses of the cuneate and gracile nuclei were quantified at the level of both field potentials and single units. Tactile receptive fields (RFs) were identified for 315 single units. A subset of these units had very regular spiking patterns with spike frequencies predominantly in the alpha band (8–14 Hz). The stability of the neuronal recordings was assessed with a novel analysis that identified units by their mean spike waveform and by the spike-triggered average of activity on all other electrodes in the array. Fifty-six identified neurons were observed over two or more sessions and in a few cases for as long as 1 mo. RFs of stable neurons were largely consistent across days. The results demonstrate that a chronic DCN implant in a macaque can be safe and effective, yielding high-quality unit recording for several months. The unprecedented access to these nuclei in awake primates should lead to a better understanding of their role in sensorimotor behavior.
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A Snapshot of Co-Resistance to Carbapenems and Tigecycline in Clinical Isolates of Enterobacter cloacae
Microbial Drug Resistance , Vol. 0, No. 0.
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Interpedicular height as a predictor of radicular pain in adult degenerative scoliosis
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Migraine And Its Related Symptoms In Female Dominating Drug
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. KumKum Kalra*.
Background: Migraine is periodic attack of headache, usually on one side of head. Severe throbbing pain is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Some migraine patients have warning symptoms before headache, including visual disturbances, weakness, numbness or dizziness [Kalra K NJIRM 2016; 7(2):147-152]
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Behaviour Of Calcium
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. KumKum Kalra*.
Background: There are so many elements found in the earth which are very essential for living being but we cannot take it in raw form .In Homoeopathy by the method of potentization rawness of element converted into dynamic form & hidden property comes out. Each & every aspects of materials come in the form of its symptoms. So with the help of this we treat the deficiency & disorder of human being. [Kalra K NJIRM 2016; 7(2):143-146]
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Repertory Of Urticaria, Rubrics Having Single Remedy
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Priti Muni*, Dr. Girish Patel**, Dr. Gunjan Popat***, Dr. Pranav Shah****.
When rubric is covered by a single remedy, the remedy is very useful for selection of similimum. Here I have tried to collect all the rubrics of urticaria having single remedy from Complete repertory. [Muni P NJIRM 2016; 7(2): 139-142]
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Study Of Psychosomatic Effect In Cases Of Urticaria
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Priti Muni*, Dr. Girish Patel**, Dr. Gunjan Popat***.
Background and Objective: To evaluate the effect of Mind over the body in cases of urticaria. Method: 30 cases of chronic urticaria of different age group were selected and detail history including the Emotional state of each patient was defined. Result: From the pilot study of 30 cases of chronic urticaria, the result shows that there were many emotional disturbances in their life. 15 cases had Suppressed Irritation as the chief factor while others showed emotional disturbances due to sensitive nature and sentimental attachment, anxiety, mortification, lack of love etc.[Muni P NJIRM 2016; 7(2):136-138]
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Homoeopathy In Breast Cancer
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. KumKum Kalra*.
Background: Health and disease is nothing but two-fold conditions of human life. It is not so easy to define health and disease in a strict sense. As long as man is able to fulfill his aspirations and satisfy the needs, he/she is said to be healthy. Disease is the life under altered condition. Out of all diseases by hearing the name cancer of which is sufficient enough to invoke fear and sense of insecurity in every bodys mind. Fear is the greatest Killer of a Patient Remaining healthy is not only an individual obligation but also a social responsibility. Homoeopathy, Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani, and Siddha systems of medicine are there to take care of body system in their own ways of diagnosis and treatment. So it is a demand of time for every Homoeopath to explore the unveiled drug efficacy for treating the malignancy effectively & making it possible to strengthen unpaved path to steer ahead successfully. [Kalra K NJIRM 2016; 7(2):131-135]
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Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Priti Muni*, Dr. Girish Patel**, Dr. Gunjan Popat***, Dr. Pranav Shah****.
To understand the causes of hair loss and to treat it by preventing the causative factors and with the help of homoeopathic remedies. [Muni P NJIRM 2016; 7(2):128-130]
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Umbilical Myiasis – A Rare Case In Rohilkhand Region Of Uttar Pradesh
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr.Mayank Pahuja*, Dr.Alka Bhambri*,Dr.Nisha Pandey*, Dr.Sanjata R Chaudhary*.
Myiasis is an infection of live mammalian tissue by the larval forms of dipteran flies, usually infects domestic and wild animal but human may be affected sometimes. Although adult cases have been reported, neonatal myiasis is a rare condition. Umbilical myiasis is very rare in newborns with few reported cases in the literature. [Pahuja M NJIRM 2016; 7(2):126-127]
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A Case Of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis As A Confusing Reason Of Positive FDG/PET
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Şeref Demirbaş*, Musa Barış Aykan*, Erol Arslan*, Kenan Sağlam*, Kurşat Okuyucu**.
Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare disease and characterized by the presence of fibrous and inflammatory retroperitoneal tissue. Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG/PET)is a beneficial methods for inflammatory dieseases. We presented here a case of 40 year old woman with idiopathic retroperitoenal fibrosis which detected high SUVmax level (21.4) on FDG/PET and had high erythrocyte sedimentatiton rate (140mm/h). If high SUVmax is detected, histologic confirmation is necessary to exclude malignancies [Arslan E NJIRM 2016; 7(2):123-125]
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Oro-Cutaneous Sinus Tract: A Case Report
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Ravi S Patil*, Dr. Snehalata Patil**, Dr.Yuvaraj***, Dr. Sanjay Sunder****.
Common dental causes of odontogenic sinus tracts include endodontic or periodontal infections, trauma, retained roots and residual chronic infection of the jaws. They are uncommon, and often misdiagnosed. The sinus tracts are most frequently associated with mandibular teeth, which have been documented in 80 to 87% of the reported cases. Extraoral fistulas typically present as erythematous, symmetrical, crusting, smooth and non-tender nodules with periodic drainage. Cutaneous sinus tracts of odontogenic origin represents one among the many types of sinus tracts that may form on the face and neck region. They are usually present on the chin and cheek region. The cutaneous sinus resolves rapidly if the lesion is recognized early and diagnosed properly followed by surgical excision of sinus tract, removal of offending tooth and cutaneous closure is performed.[Patil R NJIRM 2016; 7(2):119-122]
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Study of Coulter Indices After Oral and Parenteral Iron Therapy In Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Amol Hartalkar*, Dr. Sheetal Hartalkar**.
Background: Nutritional iron deficiency anaemia is prevalent. It responds promptly to iron therapy. Parenteral iron therapy is considered to be better for rapid correction of anaemia, than oral form. Methodology: The haematological response, of 47 severely iron deficient patients, to orally administered iron was compared to that of 40 patients given parenteral iron sorbitol. The haematological response was assessed with the help of Coulter indices. Results: No significant difference in the rate of change of haematological parameters was observed in oral & parenteral form of iron therapy. Conclusion: Earliest response & completion of therapy both can be judged by Red cell Distribution Width (RDW) levels in either form of iron replacement. Red Blood Cells histogram best reflects an evolution of response and overt attainment of normal contours & placement reflects the adequacy of treatment. [Hartalkar A NJIRM 2016; 7(2):113-118]
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Perceptions Of Undergraduate Medical Students On Use Of Flashcards As A Mode Of Learning Anatomy
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Rashmi Patil*, Dr. Praveen Iyer**.
Background & Objective: Anatomy is one of the fundamental subjects taught to the medical students in their first year of medical curriculum. Of its many subdivisions, gross anatomy is one of the vast and important components covered in a short span of one year. The content matter of this subject is very volatile and many undergraduate students face difficulty in learning and recapitulating it. There are many methods adopted by students for learning Anatomy and flashcards is one amongst it. This study was thus planned with an objective to design flashcards for learning gross anatomy, to administer it to the undergraduates for self study revision and to take their perceptions on it. Methodology: The flashcards for gross anatomy of upper limb and lower limb were designed and given to the first year undergraduate students of a premier Medical College in Mumbai. The perceptions of the students on the use of flashcards in learning Anatomy were taken on a prevalidated questionnaire and analyzed. Results: 90% of the students felt that the flashcards helped them to do a quick revision, memorize the content easily and thus perform better in the exams. Conclusion: Flashcards proved to be an effective self study tool for learning gross anatomy [Patil R NJIRM 2016; 7(2):110-112]
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Continuous Professional Development: Faculty Views On Need, Impact And Barriers
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Mrs. M P.Jiandani*, Dr.RahulBogam**, Dr. Chinmay Shah***,Dr S Prabhu#, Dr B Taksande##.
Background& Objective:Ever changing dynamic field of science, technology and health care had made it essential for a health care professional to keep abreast of the latest development. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) can be considered as a process in which individual practitioners identify their own learning needs, makes plan to meet those objectives and finally evaluates the effectiveness of the plan .Perceived barriers to CPD vary significantly by individuals personal characteristics, job position, and organizational factors. Present study was done to explore the faculty views of CPD in terms of its need, methods, impact and barriers. Objectives: 1.To assess the perceptions of healthcare faculty about Continuous Professional Development 2.To identify the barriers perceived by health care faculty for Continuous Professional Development.Methodology:A Cross Sectional study was conducted among 32 faculty,enrolled for Foundation for Advancement in International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) Fellowship programme at one of the regional institutes of India. A self- administered structured and modified questionnaire was given to participants as a part of Mentoring and Learning (ML) web sessions through Survey Monkey.Results:In the study, 16 (50%) out of 32 faculty members participated, where majority of participants considered attending conferences, reading journals and E-learning Modules as a CPD activity undertaken in the past one year . Nearly all participants agreed that CPD can make positive change in terms of diagnostic and treatment practices (81.25%), knowledge acquisition (100%) as well as attitude (93.75%) towards patients. Availability of study leave (56.25%) and work-life balance (75%) were significant barriers to participation. Participants strongly believed that CPD helps to recognize knowledge gaps, promoted self-reflection and focused endeavours.Conclusion:Present study reported good knowledge, favourable attitudes and practices towards Continuous Professional Development activities among health care faculty members. The study also revealed combination of responses among faculty about their own CPD activities. [Jiandani M NJIRM 2016; 7(2):106-109]
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Erectile Dysfunction and Various Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Diabetic Males- A Continued Study
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Brijesh Kumar*, Mukesh Rana*.
Background: Erectile dysfunction is a prevalent health problem among diabetics. Presence of erectile dysfunction in diabetics mandates evaluation for coronary artery disease risk factors. Methodology: This case control hospital based study involved 102 patients evaluated for coronary artery disease risk factors by using IIEF-5 questionnaire at Upgraded P.G. Department of Medicine, M.L.N. Medical College, and SRN Hospital, Allahabad after taking informed consent and intuitional ethical committee permission. Suitable statistical tests were applied. Results: Seventy (68.3%) patients were found to have erectile dysfunction. Percentage of mild, mild to moderate, moderate and severe erectile dysfunction was 11.42, 25.71, 31.43 and 31.43 percent respectively. Age was found to be a significant determinant of erectile dysfunction in diabetics. Prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher among the cases as compared to controls. Conclusion: All diabetic males with erectile dysfunction should be intensively investigated for coronary artery disease and its risk factors. [Rana M NJIRM 2016; 7(2):100-105]
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Rotational Training Programme For Postgraduate Students Of Pharmacology: Our Experience
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Snehalata Vijayanand Gajbhiye*, Raakhi Tripathi*, Urwashi Parmar*, Nirmala Rege*.
Background: Rotational training programme for the postgraduate students of pharmacology should be planned with the aim of making them competent as pharmacologist. Thus in the present study we decided to develop a rotational duty programme and evaluate perception and attitude of postgraduate student towards it. Methodology: We developed a rotational duty programme at our department which was structured by defining objectives to be achieved, content to be learnt, weekly targets to be accomplished and assessment to provide feedback to the students. The perception and attitude were recorded using a questionnaire in which their adequacy of duration of posting; adequacy, relevance and implementation of weekly time table; adequacy and relevance of the training imparted in the posting; quality and pattern of assessment and their perceived benefit from the rotational training program were assessed. Results: Postgraduate students found the programme adequate and relevant in terms of duration, implementation of weekly targets, training imparted and quality of assessment. Students also perceived the programme as beneficial. Suggestions were given by the students in the areas they considered modification is required. Conclusion: Suggestion given by the students along with discussion by faculty members were incorporated in improving the standard and strengthening the programme. There is a need for development of such programmes to improve the standards in postgraduate teaching in pharmacology. These programmes also need to undergo relevant amendments in order to improvise them. [Gajbhiye S NJIRM 2016; 7(2):93-99]
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A Comparison Of Ease Of Insertion And Working Performance Of Pro-seal And I Gel - The Supra Glottic Airway Devices In Elective Surgeries
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Arthy Eswara Murthy, Lopa H Trivedi, Deepishikha C Tripathi, Shipra Kachhwaha.
Background: PLMA has improved features of cuff design and incorporation of gastric drain channel led to better seal achievement around the glottis. I gel single-use, cuff less, utilizes a thermoplastic elastomer to create a more intimate interface for interaction with the supraglottic tissue. Supraglottic airway devices provide good seal during anaesthesia for spontaneously breathing and controlled ventilation with moderate airway pressures. Methodology: Hundred patients from routine elective surgical procedure were randomized to receive mechanical ventilation, through either I gel or PLMA. Insertion characteristics, working performance, ease of gastric tube insertion and hemodynamic characteristics was assessed. Results: The shorter insertion time (Group I was 20.98 ± 2.29 sec and Group P 30.04 ± 2.6 sec; P value
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Effectiveness Of Direct Sinus Lift With Simultaneous Implant Placement And Bone Grafting
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Deval Mehta*, Dr. Setu P. Shah**, Dr. Nishith M. Shah***.
Background & Objective: The present study was conducted with the aim to clinically and radiographically evaluate the efficacy and efficiency of the direct sinus lift with simultaneous implant placement and bone grafting, and to evaluate bone height with the merits and demerits of lateral approach for sinus membrane elevation. Methodology: This randomized prospective study consisted of 10 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The patients were selected irrespective of the age, sex & socioeconomic status, with the residual alveolar bone height between 1 to 4 mm in the edentulous posterior maxillary region. Direct sinus lift was carried out with simultaneous implant placement. Bovine graft (xenograft) was used as a sole grafting material. Patients were followed up for 36 months of prosthetic rehabilitation. Results: Pre-operative alveolar bone height was on an average 2.9 mm (ranging from 1 to 4 mm) with the standard deviation of 0.67 mm. After 36 months of loading, there wasnt any clinical or radiographical complication. On an average 13 mm bone height was evident (ranging from 11.5 to 14 mm) with the standard deviation of 0.81 mm. Conclusion: Direct sinus lift is an excellent technique for the rehabilitation in the cases with severely atrophic posterior maxilla. [Shah S NJIRM 2016; 7(2): 81 - 86]
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Histopathological Profile Of The Bronchogenic Carcinoma Among Saurashtra Region Of Gujarat
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Lilavati N Vasava*, Dr. Arvind B Daxini**, Dr. Arvind S Pandey***.
Background: Bronchogenic carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of the lung arising from the epithelium of the bronchus or bronchiole. The bronchogenic carcinoma is classified as Squamous cell carcinoma, Small cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, Large cell Carcinoma and Adeno-squamous carcinoma. Methodology: 50 patients of known bronchogenic carcinoma from the P.D.U. Genral hospital and Medical College were included in the study; 48 patients were investigated as Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology for histopathological classification. Results: The commonest bronchogenic carcinoma was squamous cell carcinoma (42%) followed by adenocarcinoma (20%), small cell carcinoma (4%), adenosqumaous cell carcinoma (4%) and large cell carcinoma (2%). Conclusion: The histopathological examination of bronchogenic carcinoma cases is helpful for the management of the patients. [Pandey A NJIRM 2016; 7(2):77-80]
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Evaluating The Oral Hygiene Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Among Dental And Medical Students In Kanpur City
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Devina Pradhan*, Dr. Jayant Kumar*, Dr. Girish R Shavi**, Dr. Nidhi Pruthi***, Dr. Gagan Gupta****, Dr. Deepshikha Singh*****.
Background & Objective: Oral health is essential for general health and well-being throughout life and is a marker for overall health status. Poor oral health can have a significant effect on quality of life. Oral health behavior plays an important role in maintaining optimal oral health. Awareness regarding it can lead to the enhancement of oral health. Aim is to evaluate the Oral hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices among Dental and Medical students in Kanpur City. Methodology: The present study is a cross sectional descriptive survey. 400 students were selected from dental and medical colleges of Kanpur city as the targeted population for the study. Convenience sampling technique was used. A pre- tested, self-structured, close- ended questionnaire consisting of 15 questions was administered to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding oral hygiene to the targeted population. The data was collected, compiled and then percentage and frequency distribution were calculated. Results: It was seen that 80% dental students and 67% medical students considered that oral health is a part of overall health. It was also seen that the frequency of tooth brushing among dental students was found to be 100% twice a day and amongst medical students it was 51% twice a day. Finally the visit to the dentist in every 6 months amongst dental students was higher (100%) than the medical students (35%). Conclusion: From the study conducted, we can conclude that the awareness regarding knowledge and behaviours amongst dental and medical students was found to be satisfactory. Hence, there is a need for implementation of more preventive programs immediately on oral health promotion which can further help in increasing the knowledge, attitude and practices of the students. [Pradhan D NJIRM 2016; 7(2):73-76]
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A Study Of Abnormal Vaginal Discharge Among Married Women Of Reproductive Age Group Attending Urban Health Centre
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Dr. Subita P. Patil*, Dr. Swapna Thakur**.
Background:Worldwide leading cause of ill health among women is mainly due to reproductive health problems. An initial symptom of all reproductive tract diseases is abnormal vaginal discharge. Objectives: to assess the magnitude of abnormal vaginal discharge, its factors, social correlates among the married women of reproductive age group. Methodology: Cross sectional study was conducted among married women of reproductive age group attending General OPD at Urban Health Centre. They were selected by systematic random sampling. Results: Among total of 400 respondents screened for the presence of abnormal vaginal discharge 136(34%) were found to have abnormal vaginal discharge. 26% were from age group of 25-29 years. More than half Muslims, 43% educated upto primary and 2/3rd from nuclear family. Most common colour of vaginal discharge & symptom was curdy white and backache. Statistically significant association was found between abnormal vaginal discharge and age, education type of family. Also between abnormal vaginal discharge and few Maternal factors: duration of married life, history of abortion, parity, number of children, birth spacing , use of IUCDs. Conclusion: There is a need to educate women about reproductive health issues and encourage them to seek treatment for their problems at the earliest. [Patil S NJIRM 2016; 7(2):66-72]
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Health Problem Pattern Among Geriatrics In Aligarh- A Cross Sectional Study
Source: National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine
Mohd Maroof*, Anees Ahmad**, Najam Khalique***, M Athar Ansari****.
Background & Objectives: Old age is associated with decline in physical, physiological & cognitive function affecting the quality of life of the elderly population. The robust increase in proportion of elderly has resulted in demographic burden in a developing country like India. To cope up with this burden appropriate & timely intervention is required based on the situational analysis of the health problems faced by the aged population. Objective is to determine the pattern of health problems among geriatric population and to find out the rural- urban difference in health problems, if any. Methodology: The cross- sectional study was done among 450 individuals aged 60 years & above residing at field practice area of Urban Health Training Centre & Rural Health Training Centre, JN Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. The data was obtained through pretested & predesigned questionnaire by selecting individuals using systematic random sampling with PPS. Data was entered & analyzed by SPSS 20. Tests of proportion & Chi square test were applied. P value
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Discovery and profiling of microRNAs and their targets in Paulownia ‘Yuza 1’ plants via high-throughput sequencing and degradome analysis
Polyploid breeding is an effective method that has been used widely for the development of new varieties of plants. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous small RNAs that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. To understand the functions of miRNAs in autotetraploid and diploid Paulownia 'Yuza 1' plants, two small RNA libraries and two degradome sequencing libraries of the autotetraploid and the corresponding diploid plants were constructed and analyzed. A total of 49 conserved miRNAs that were grouped into 15 families, and 25 novel miRNAs were obtained from two sRNA libraries. Among these miRNAs, 28 were differentially expressed at a significant level in the autotetraploid relative to the diploid. Moreover, the miRNA target genes were identified by degradome sequencing and some of the differently expressed miRNAs and their target genes were validated by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. This study has provided valuable information on P. 'Yuza 1' miRNAs and their targets, which will enrich the Paulownia miRNA information resources and will contribute to our understanding of miRNA-mediated regulation in autotetraploid Paulownia plantlets.
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U.S. Migrant Networks and Adult Cardiometabolic Health in El Salvador
Heightened prevalence of cardiometabolic health conditions in areas where infectious disease remains a major public health concern has created an especially challenging situation for developing countries, like El Salvador. Individuals living within migrant households where migrant networks are present may be at a greater risk for the development of cardiometabolic health conditions. Using data from the 2007 El Salvador database of the Latin American Migration Project (LAMP-ESLS4), this study investigates relations between financial remittances, familial U.S. migration history and cardiometabolic health conditions (overweight status, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and stroke) among 534 individuals within 351 households from four different communities within the departments of La Unión, Cabañas, and San Miguel in El Salvador. Adults living in households that had close primary kin with U.S. migration history were almost two times less likely to be overweight (OR 0.456, p < 0.001) and obese (OR 0.453, p < 0.01) when adjusting for age, sex, education and economic well-being. This study highlights the importance of exploring the potential role of U.S. migrant ties in the epidemiologic transition present within developing countries, like El Salvador.
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The Perceived Role of Family in Heroin Use Behaviors of Mexican–American Men
The influence of the family is not well understood as it relates to drug use behaviors of Hispanic male adults. We examined the family's influence on drug use behavior, as perceived by Hispanic men who use heroin. One-time qualitative interviews were conducted with 21 current and former heroin users who participated in a larger study on long-term heroin use in Mexican–American men. Data were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Three main themes emerged: family as a supportive environment for heroin use; heroin as a family legacy; and, the family's strategies for helping to stop using heroin. A sub-theme emerged on the paradox of family involvement, which spanned the three main themes. This research lays a foundation for future work to disentangle the risks and benefits of family involvement to inform culturally-centered therapies and cultural adaptations to traditional therapeutic approaches with Mexican–American men who abuse drugs.
from Health via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1TfRAN8
HAMILTON-T1: Neonatal transport ventilation with Intermountain Life Flight
The Intermountain Life Flight team, based in Salt Lake City (UT), shares their experiences with the HAMILTON-T1 transport ventilator for transports of neonatal and pediatric patients.
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/26MnlHQ
Intelligent Transport Ventilation for Neonates
Hamilton Medical now offers a high-end ventilation solution for your most fragile patients with the new neonatal option* for the HAMILTONT1 transport ventilator The HAMILTON-T1 with neonatal option is a high-end transport ventilator that provides the best possible ventilation therapy for your smallest and most vulnerable patients. During transport, the HAMILTON-T1 delivers the same performance as a ...
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1Z4LTG9
Professional Sports Drug Testing Collector (Nationwide) - Comprehensive Drug Testing
CDT is seeking qualified candidates with a background in law enforcement, emergency medical response, or laboratory science/toxicology for a unique part-time opportunity as a Professional Sports Drug Testing Collector. ABOUT US CDT, Inc. (Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc.) manages drug-testing programs for several major professional sports organizations. Administering a nationwide drug-testing program ...
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1QOpuqD
Professional Sports Drug Testing Collector (Nationwide) - Comprehensive Drug Testing
CDT is seeking qualified candidates with a background in law enforcement, emergency medical response, or laboratory science/toxicology for a unique part-time opportunity as a Professional Sports Drug Testing Collector. ABOUT US CDT, Inc. (Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc.) manages drug-testing programs for several major professional sports organizations. Administering a nationwide drug-testing program ...
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1SHgfyh
Fire Recruit - City of Long Beach
LONG BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 3205 Lakewood Blvd LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90808 Updated: April 22, 2016 Classification: Fire Recruit The City of Long Beach will be accepting applications for Fire Recruit. City applications are being accepted from June 24, 2016 to July 1, 2016. The City of Long Beach will be accepting test results for Fire Recruit through July 8, 2016. Completion of the FireTEAM entry level ...
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1OchEYh
HAMILTON-T1: Neonatal transport ventilation with Intermountain Life Flight
The Intermountain Life Flight team, based in Salt Lake City (UT), shares their experiences with the HAMILTON-T1 transport ventilator for transports of neonatal and pediatric patients.
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/26MnlHQ
HAMILTON-T1: Neonatal transport ventilation with Intermountain Life Flight
The Intermountain Life Flight team, based in Salt Lake City (UT), shares their experiences with the HAMILTON-T1 transport ventilator for transports of neonatal and pediatric patients.
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/26MnlHQ
HAMILTON-T1: Neonatal transport ventilation with Intermountain Life Flight
The Intermountain Life Flight team, based in Salt Lake City (UT), shares their experiences with the HAMILTON-T1 transport ventilator for transports of neonatal and pediatric patients.
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/26MnlHQ
EMT- $3,000 Sign on Bonus - Thief River Area Ambulance
*$3,000 Sign On Bonus* Thief River Falls Area Ambulance (subsidiary of FM Ambulance) is seeking a full-time EMT to join their team. Must have knowledge of EMT principles, practices and techniques, knowledge of equipment and how to troubleshoot problems that may arise.
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/24jJYVm
Paramedic - FM Ambulance
FM Ambulance is seeking a full-time paramedic for our advanced life support service. Must have a thorough knowledge of paramedic principles, practices and techniques, knowledge of how various equipment such as a monitor or defibrillator work and how to troubleshoot problems that may arise.
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/23jO6yW
Paramedic- $7,500 Sign on Bonus - Thief River Area Ambulance
*$7,500 Sign On Bonus* Thief River Falls Area Ambulance (subsidiary of FM Ambulance) is seeking a full-time paramedic for our advanced life support service. This individual will provide high quality out of hospital care and transport by receiving emergency and non-emergency ambulance calls and responding to them promptly, efficiently and professionally. Must have a thorough knowledge of paramedic principles ...
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1ObY2mX
EMS Personel - Sun City Fire and Medical Department
SUN CITY FIRE & MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 18602 NORTH 99TH AVENUE SUN CITY, ARIZONA 85373 Updated: April 25, 2016 Job Classification: EMS Personnel Sun City Fire & Medical Department is currently building an ongoing eligibility list for Paramedic and EMT positions. This position requires both MedicTEAM written exam and Medic Mile through National Testing Network. Salary Information: EMT: $11.00/hour ...
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/23jFwA1
Paramedic - Bottineau Ambulance Service
We are looking for a Paramedic with experience for our Ambulance Service in Bottineau, please send a resume and referall list and phone number and we will get a hold of you for a personal interview
from EMS via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1X57Y9a
The Best. First. Anti-EGFR before anti-VEGF, in the first-line treatment of RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: from bench to bedside
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
from Gastroenterology via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/24hSl3P
Metal versus plastic stent for drainage of malignant biliary obstruction before primary surgical resection
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
from Gastroenterology via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1O9KZ5D
HBV e antigen and its precursors promote the progress of HCC by interacting with NUMB and decreasing p53 activity
from Gastroenterology via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/24hSmoj
A retrospective study on safety, diagnostic yield, and therapeutic effects of endoscopic unroofing for small gastric subepithelial tumors
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
from Gastroenterology via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1O9KYP3
Stem/progenitor cells and reprogramming (plasticity) mechanisms in liver, biliary tree and pancreas
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Cyanoacrylate therapy for the treatment of gastric varices: a new method
Journal of Digestive Diseases
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Endoscopic balloon dilatation of Crohn’s-associated intestinal strictures: High patient satisfaction and long-term efficacy
United European Gastroenterology Journal
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Source: International Journal of Livestock Research
Sabry Ahmed Mousa, Soliman Mohammed Soliman.
The current investigation was carried out to evaluate oxidative stress serum biomarkers , antioxidant concentrations and isolation the most common etiology of bacterial pneumonia. Thirty goats of different age and sex belonging to private farms in Giza governorate were used in this study .All goats were exposed to complete and comprehensive clinical examination. The animals were divided into two equal groups apparently healthy (15), diseased (15). Blood samples were collected from both groups to determine enzymatic activates of superoxidase dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) in erythrocyte haemolysate, catalase (CAT), vitamin C, vitamin E and Albumin, aspartate aminotransaminase (AST), alanine aminotransaminase (ALT), urea and creatinine, as well as nasal swabs were collected for isolation of possible bacteria. The levels of CAT, SOD and GPX were significant higher (p≤0.05), vitamins C, E were significant decrease (p≤0.05), Significant decrease (p≤0.05) in Albumin in pneumonic goats. Of 30 goats nasal swabs, 73.3% (22/30) yielded different bacterial isolates. Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica was the predominant isolates (81.8%; 18/22) and other isolates . It can concluded that pneumonia served to produce oxidative stress in the goat with increased activities of antioxidant enzymes to facing excessive production of free radicals. For healthier status in small ruminant antioxidant supplementation is very important as supportive treatment in diseased cases and preventive aid in healthy cases. Keywords: Oxidative stress, Antioxidant, Vit. C, Bacteria, Pneumonia, goat
from Scope via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1TeZHcP
A Review on Some Management and Improvement Practices of Natural Pasture in the Mid and High Altitude Areas of Ethiopia
Source: International Journal of Livestock Research
Gezahagn Kebede, Getnet Assefa, Fekede Feyissa, Almayehu Mengistu.
The total grazing and browsing lands are steadily shrinking due to encroachment of crop production as a consequence of the growing human population in Ethiopia. The productivity from grazing land is insufficient for optimal livestock production. Grazing land management, fertilizer application, over-sowing of legumes, optimum harvesting stage, feed conservation and utilization are important practices to improve the productivity of natural pasture and used to maintain the nutritive values of the pastures over seasons. Poor production of pasture lands and large herd size on small grazing lands caused overgrazing of natural pasturelands resulting in serious land degradation which in turn leads to invasion by unpalatable plant species and finally a decline in the quantity and quality of pasture. Application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on natural pasture generally showed very good yield responses and have a great effect on botanical composition and quality of pasture species. Over-sowing of legumes on natural pasture can improve the productivity and quality of the pasture throughout the year. There is a need for developing the feed conservation strategy during the period of abundant supply so as to redistribute the feed supply over the year to meet the requirements of livestock across seasons. There are many proven best practices and technologies available locally and globally, therefore, application of these technologies and intensifying the use of natural pasture is quite important to reverse the scenario of poor animal productivity in Ethiopia.
from Scope via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/26JFAxu
Surgical removal of coenurus cerebralis (Gid) in a Doe
Source: International Journal of Livestock Research
Rukmani Dewangan, Dr. M.O. Kalim, Dr. S.K. TIWARI, Dr. Raju Sharda, Dr.Anirudh Singh Senger.
A two years old nondescript doe was brought to the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology with complaint of anorexia, bleating, head pressing against the wall and circling movement for last 1 month. On palpation of the occipital bone between the two horns leads to bleating. Surgical removal of the coenurous cyst was done after blocking the operative site with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride. A cruciate incision was given to remove the cyst. The flaps were sutured by interrupted pattern with silk. A benzoin seal was then applied over the wound. Dextrose saline 5% (500 ml) was administered continuously into the jugular vein during operation. With post-operatively Inj. Intacef 500 mg, for 5 days and Inj. Meloxicam @ 0.5 mg/kg body weight for 3 days were administered. It was advised to keep the animal in a clean house and not to allow rubbing its head. Sutures were removed after 8 days. The animal recovered uneventfully.
from Scope via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1TeZEOh