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Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy induces and maintains clinical remission in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). However, the effect of anti-TNF therapy on the natural course of CD remains controversial. We aimed to investigate the effect of anti-TNF therapy on the initial intestinal surgery for CD.
In this single-center retrospective cohort study, clinical course of 199 CD patients of inflammatory type at the initial diagnosis (the period between 1973 and 2014) was precisely reviewed until the end of 2016. Patients were divided into TNF and non-TNF groups based on anti-TNF agent use. After comparisons of clinical characteristics and medical treatments, propensity scores were calculated for covariates. Risk of intestinal surgery was compared by a Cox proportional hazards model using the propensity scores. The effect of immunomodulators on initial intestinal surgery was assessed in the TNF group.
During the study period, 108 patients received anti-TNF therapy. The patients in the TNF group were diagnosed more recently, and more frequently had isolated colonic involvement, and perianal disease. Immunomodulators were more frequently used in the TNF group. Cumulative probability of initial intestinal surgery was significantly lower in the TNF group (P < 0.0001). The hazard ratio in the TNF group was 0.32 (95% CI 0.13–0.74). Immunomodulators did not decrease the risk of initial intestinal surgery.
Anti-TNF therapy can decrease the risk of intestinal surgery among patients with inflammatory-type CD at the initial diagnosis. Further studies should be necessary to determine the additive effect of immunomodulators on the risk of intestinal surgery.
Absence of part or all of the iris, aniridia, is a feature of several genetically distinct conditions. This review focuses on iris development and then the clinical features and molecular genetics of these iris malformations. Classical aniridia, a panocular eye malformation including foveal hypoplasia, is the archetypal phenotype associated with heterozygous PAX6 loss-of-function mutations. Since this was identified in 1991, many genetic mechanisms of PAX6 inactivation have been elucidated, the commonest alleles being intragenic mutations causing premature stop codons, followed by those causing C-terminal extensions. Rarely, aniridia cases are associated with FOXC1, PITX2 and/or their regulatory regions. Aniridia can also occur as a component of many severe global eye malformations. Gillespie syndrome—a triad of partial aniridia, non-progressive cerebellar ataxia and intellectual disability—is phenotypically and genotypically distinct from classical aniridia. The causative gene has recently been identified as ITPR1. The same characteristic Gillespie syndrome-like iris, with aplasia of the pupillary sphincter and a scalloped margin, is seen in ACTA2-related multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome. WAGR syndrome (Wilms tumour, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies and mental retardation/intellectual disability), is caused by contiguous deletion of PAX6 and WT1 on chromosome 11p. Deletions encompassing BDNF have been causally implicated in the obesity and intellectual disability associated with the condition. Lastly, we outline a genetic investigation strategy for aniridia in light of recent developments, suggesting an approach based principally on chromosomal array and gene panel testing. This strategy aims to test all known aniridia loci—including the rarer, life-limiting causes—whilst remaining simple and practical.
Sivakumar et al. (Sivakumar et al., 2017) found in their investigation that neurointensivists taking care of patients with acute brain injury tended to employ more neurological and hemodynamic monitoring. Neurocritical patients usually have intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring and ICP has become a valuable parameter in the daily care of these patients during the past four decades. Neurosurgeons and neurointensivists adjust their treatment and estimate the outcome according to the trend of ICP, among other parameters.
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One year ago, the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) recommended the 25-channel montage for the standard use in clinical EEG recording (Seeck et al., 2017), augmenting the world-widely used 60-year old 10/20-System by 6 additional inferotemporal electrodes to a "triple banana" configuration. Still many EEG centers have not yet implemented this simple but very effective measure. Here we demonstrate the big effect of this simple measure in a demonstrative case.
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Benign epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (BECTS) is the earliest recognised and most frequent form of benign focal epilepsy in childhood, accounting for 10-20% of all childhood epilepsies (Holmes, 1993). It appears in children aged 3-13 years, peaks between the ages of seven and nine years, and invariably goes into remission by the age of 14 years(Bouma et al. 1997; Callenbach et al., 2010). It may have genetic determinants with a complex inheritance pattern, but there are few genetic data available (Xiong and Zhou, 2017).
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Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a primary cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.
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There is increasing awareness of HBV reactivation in HCV-RNA-positive/HBV-coinfected patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) treated with oral direct-acting antivirals (DAAs).
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Symptomatic bradycardia has been reported in adults treated for chronic hepatitis C using sofosbuvir based regimens.
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Several studies have reported an increased prevalence of Parkinson disease (PD) amongst patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with conflicting results. We aimed to evaluate the risk of PD in the IBD population by conducting a meta-analysis (MA).
from Gastroenterology via xlomafota13 on Inoreader https://ift.tt/2znhboi
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a common and serious threat to human health worldwide. In this study, the hepatoprotective effect of gastrodin against alcohol-induced liver injury in mice was examined. Mice with alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity were treated intragastrically with gastrodin (50, 80, or 100 mg/kg). The mice treated with gastrodin experienced better outcomes than those who received only one dose of alcohol (50%, 10 mL/kg b.w.). Gastrodin treatment reduced the activities of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), decreased hepatic malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and increased hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) activities in a dose-dependent manner. Gastrodin also alleviated histopathological changes induced by alcohol. Gastrodin protected against alcohol-induced increases in expression levels of the cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and mRNA levels of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (CXCL-1), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), and activator of transcription 3 (STAT-3). Moreover, gastrodin-increased nuclear transcription factor 2 (Nrf2) translocates to the nucleus and enhanced the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes, and could thereby ameliorate alcohol-induced liver injury in mice. This study demonstrated that gastrodin may be an effective therapeutic agent against alcohol-induced liver injury.
Underlying cognitive factors have been found to influence patients' symptom experience. Current evidence suggests that concomitant changes in appraisal must be taken into account to accurately interpret change as measured by standard spine patient-reported outcomes (PROs).
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Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a primary cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.
from Gastroenterology via xlomafota13 on Inoreader https://ift.tt/2zlVyEP
There is increasing awareness of HBV reactivation in HCV-RNA-positive/HBV-coinfected patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) treated with oral direct-acting antivirals (DAAs).
from Gastroenterology via xlomafota13 on Inoreader https://ift.tt/2OIyZPG
Symptomatic bradycardia has been reported in adults treated for chronic hepatitis C using sofosbuvir based regimens.
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Several studies have reported an increased prevalence of Parkinson disease (PD) amongst patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with conflicting results. We aimed to evaluate the risk of PD in the IBD population by conducting a meta-analysis (MA).
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Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is one of the most studied targets among polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Because of the complexity of the toxicity mechanism in BaP, little is known about the molecular mechanism at the level of transcription of BaP in marine fishes. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the molecular basis of the effects of BaP on marine fish, using Mugilogobius chulae (Smith 1932) as the model. A closed colony of M. chulae was used for the BaP toxicity test. Two fish liver samples per replicate from each group were excised and blended into one sample by pooling an equal amount of liver tissue. Total RNA of all samples was extracted separately. Equal quantities of total RNA from the three replicates of the two groups were pooled for sequencing. The sequencing cDNA libraries were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2000 system. Differentially expressed genes were detected with the DEGSeq R package. In total, 52,364,032 and 53,771,748 clean nucleotide reads were obtained in the control and BaP-exposed libraries, respectively, with N50 lengths of 1277 and 1288 bp, respectively. Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway analyses revealed a significant enrichment of genes related to detoxification, transportation, and lipid metabolism. We also identified, for the first time, an association between endoplasmic reticulum dysfunction and lipid metabolism resulting from BaP exposure. Using quantitative real-time PCR, some effective molecular biomarkers for monitoring of BaP-polluted seawater were identified. The results demonstrate that BaP enhanced the expression of genes involved in detoxification in M. chulae and inhibited that of genes related to lipid metabolism, possibly by suppressing the expression of numerous ER-related genes involved in fat digestion and absorption.
First Response Ambulance is looking for hardworking, caring and patient care driven individuals. We are looking for EMT-B to work 12 hour day shifts 3 days a week (plus overtime when available) and also to work a 12 hour night shift. This is a BLS truck and you will have the opportunity to work an ALS truck and move to an ALS truck when it becomes available. The ALS shifts can be 12 or 24 hour shifts ...
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Making the EMS Agenda 2050 become reality will require strengthening the collaboration between EMS, public health and healthcare
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Intravenous administration of the brand formulation of rocuronium bromide, currently used as a muscle relaxant, has been associated with vascular pain accompanied by withdrawal movements of the arm and wrist. The purpose of this study was to identify the cause of vascular pain induced by the brand formulation and to develop a new rocuronium formulation, not causing vascular pain, using a vascular pain-evoked flexor reflex response model of anesthetized rats.
A rat flexor reflex model, monitored by electromyography, was used to evaluate a flexor reflex response as the index of vascular pain. A catheter for drug administration was inserted into the superficial caudal epigastric artery. A needle electrode was inserted into a muscle in the femoral area to obtain an electromyogram (EMG) value. The integrated EMG values obtained after the administration of each test drug were compared to the baseline value and quantified.
The acetate buffer contained in the solvent could cause flexor reflex response. Furthermore, the flexor reflex response increased in an acid concentration-dependent manner. Based on these results, we prepared a new rocuronium formulation using a low-acid-concentration buffer solution and found that it decreased the integrated EMG value in the rat model. The integrated EMG value acquired using the brand formulation was reduced by pretreatment with the TRPA1 channel inhibitor.
Our findings suggest that the high acid concentration in the brand formulation buffer solution is the cause of vascular pain. The rocuronium formulation developed using a low-acid-concentration buffer solution might help eliminate vascular pain in the clinic.
Making the EMS Agenda 2050 become reality will require strengthening the collaboration between EMS, public health and healthcare
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The snakehead fish, Channa siamensis, belongs to the genus of Channa (perciformes: Channidae) and was first reported by Günther in 1861. Despite it has been described approximately for 15 decades, the genetic information is limited and the taxon status of this kind of fish is still unclear. The primary objective of this study is to get more genomic data and calculate the taxon location of this kind of fish. The next generation sequencing method was used to obtain the whole mitochondrial DNA information, and bioinformatic analysis was performed to investigate the evolutionary status and taxon location of C. siamensis. The circular mitochondrial DNA was 16,570 bp in length, and which showed typical piscine structure and arrangement. The overall nucleotide composition was 29.28% A, 24.72% T, 30.71% C, 15.29% G, with 54.1% AT, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses using concatenated amino acid and nucleotide sequences of the 13 protein-coding genes with two different methods (Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis) both highly supported C. siamensis belongs to the genus Channa and shows a close relationship with C. micropeltes. These data will provide more useful information for a better understanding of the mitochondrial genomic diversities and evolution in fish as well as novel genetic markers for studying population genetics and species identification.
The vigorous shoots and roots help to improve drought resistance and post-transplanting recovery in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.). Hundreds of loci related to root system have been identified recently, but little research has been done on shoot traits, and the relationship between roots and shoots development is also still unclear. The objective of this study was to identify associated loci for roots and shoots in rice seedlings as well as to screen pleiotropic QTLs involved in coordinated development of roots and shoots. Using mini core collection of 273 cultivated rice accessions and 280 simple-sequence repeat markers, we investigated six traits [root length (RL), root thickness (RT), root weight (RW), shoot length (SL), shoot weight (SW) and ratio of root-to-shoot mass] in seedlings. Study was performed in hydroponic medium and genetic analysis was performed by association mapping using general linear model (GLM) with population structure (Q) and mixed linear model (MLM) involving Q and familial relatedness (K). Two subgroups indica and japonica showed significant differences in RT, RW and SW. Maximum correlation was observed between RW and SW. Using GLM 65 QTLs for root and 43 QTLs associated with shoot traits were detected. Among them, seven QTLs were present between RL and RW and five common QTLs were detected between SL and SW with high phenotypic variation effects (PVEs). Two key pleiotropic QTLs were also identified involved in collaborative development of roots and shoots in rice seedlings. Importantly, 17 and 10 QTLs were identified for root and shoot traits respectively in both studies of GLM and MLM. More common QTLs with high PVEs between root and shoot traits suggested that longitudinal growth (RL and SL) played an important role in accumulation of biomass (RW and SW). Considering the obvious phenotypic differences and fewer common QTLs between indica and japonica, we suggested that there could be different mechanisms of seedling development between both subpopulations. Key pleiotropic QTLs and QTLs identified for root and shoot traits in both studies of GLM and MLM could be preferentially used in marker-assisted breeding for strong rice seedling.
Bats use echolocation to detect targets such as insect prey. The echolocation call of frequency-modulating bats (FM bats) typically sweeps through a broad range of frequencies within a few milliseconds. The large bandwidth grants the bat high spatial acuity in depicting the target. However, the extremely short call duration and the overall low duty cycle of call emission impair the bat's capability to detect e.g. target movement. Nonetheless, FM bats constitute more than 80% of all echolocating species and are able to navigate and forage in an environment full of moving targets. We used an auditory virtual reality approach to generate changes in echo amplitude reflective of fluttering insect wings independently from other confounding parameters. We show that the FM bat Phyllostomus discolor successfully detected these modulations in echo amplitude and that their performance increased with the rate of the modulation, mimicking faster insect wing-beats. The ability of FM bats to detect amplitude modulations of echoes suggests a release from the trade-off between spatial and temporal acuity and highlights the diversity of selective pressures working on the echolocation system of bats.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
from Rehabilitation via xlomafota13 on Inoreader https://ift.tt/2MRVkJ4
Our co-hosts discuss two current events that both put a spotlight on the career field and call attention to the individuality of its professionals
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Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery, EarlyView.
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Our co-hosts discuss two current events that both put a spotlight on the career field and call attention to the individuality of its professionals
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Publication date: Available online 20 September 2018
Source: Arab Journal of Gastroenterology
Author(s): Dina El-Dahshan, Doaa Bahy, Ahmed Wahid, Amr E. Ahmed, Amro Hanora
The double-stranded RNA dependent protein kinase (PKR) plays a vital role in the immune system. During HCV infection, PKR has antiviral effect by inhibition of protein synthesis of the HCV. The functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in PKR promoter region might have a relation to HCV disease outcome and response to treatment. The objective of the present work was threefold. First, it proposed an optimized protocol for PCR amplification of PKR promoter. Second, it screened the promoter region of PKR gene in HCV Egyptian patients to detect the possible SNPs' function. Third, to study the association between the detected SNPs and the response to treatment.
The functional SNPs in PKR promoter region were detected using DNA sequencing in 40 HCV infected patients; 20 sustained virologic response (SVR) patients and 20 nonresponse (NR) patients after combined interferon/ribavirin therapy. Twenty healthy subjects were included as a control.
Two functional SNPs were detected: rs62133148T>G and rs12992188C>T within our target PKR promoter region. In rs62133148 polymorphism, there is a significant difference between patients and control subjects for TT and TG genotypes (p < 0.0001). In addition, the G allele is more predominant in HCV patients. In rs12992188 polymorphism, the CC genotype is significantly different between patients and healthy control subjects (OR/95% CI: 0.033/0.006–0.172, p < 0.0001). The presence of C allele was significantly associated with the NR patients (OR/95%CI: 0.25/0.097–0.643, p = 0.006). The TT genotype is significantly different between SVR and NR (OR/95%CI: 8.5/1.54–46.871, p = 0.014).
This study is a pioneer clinical study on these two functional SNPs (rs62133148T>G and rs12992188 C>T). The rs62133148 polymorphism does not show any association with response to treatment. The TT genotype in rs12992188 polymorphism shows association with response to treatment. Therefore, patients with TT genotypes were more likely to achieve SVR.
Publication date: Available online 20 September 2018
Source: Arab Journal of Gastroenterology
Author(s): Naiema K. Ali, Ragaa R. Mohamed, Bothina E. Saleh, Manal M. Alkady, Eman S. Farag
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a severe problem among patients on maintenance haemodialysis who are at particular risk for blood-borne infections because of prolonged vascular access and potential for exposure to contaminated equipment. Occult hepatitis C virus infection (OCI) is defined as the presence of HCV RNA in liver or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the absence of detectable HCV antibody or HCV RNA in the serum. In this study, we aimed to investigate the existence of occult hepatitis C virus infection in PBMCs of haemodialysis (HD) patients in one center. Moreover, we tried to link the condition to risk factors associated with HCV infection in those patients.
We included 40 patients with renal diseases undergoing regular haemodialysis who were repeatedly anti-HCV negative. HCV RNA detection was tested by Quantitative Real time PCR in serum and PBMCs.
The results of this study revealed that 23% of our haemodialysis patients have occult hepatitis C virus infection. There was a highly significant increase in ALT levels in patients with OCI versus the negative group. Also, there is a significant increase of history of blood transfusion in patients with occult HCV (p = 0.03) while the duration of haemodialysis showed no statistical significant difference between both groups. The viral load of the occult hepatitis C virus infection subjects ranged from 581to 74,307 copies/ml.
These results highlight the potential risk of hepatitis C virus transmission from patients within haemodialysis units in Egypt. Isolation of patients on dialysis machines depending on the results of hepatitis serological markers is not enough. Testing for hepatitis C virus -RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is more reliable in identifying patients with an OCI when a liver biopsy is not available.
The applicability of liquid biopsies is studied intensively in all types of cancer and analysis of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has recently been implemented clinically for mutation detection in lung cancer. ctDNA may provide information about tumor quantity and mutations present in the tumor, and as such have many potential applications in diagnosis and treatment of cancer. It has been suggested that ctDNA analysis may overcome the issue of intra-tumor heterogeneity faced by tissue biopsies and serve as an additional diagnostic tool. Furthermore, liquid biopsies are potentially helpful for monitoring of treatment response as well as detection of minimal residual disease and relapse. Gastroesophageal cancers (GEC) have high mortality rates and the majority of patients present with advanced stage at diagnosis or succumb due to disease recurrence even after radical resection of the primary tumor. Biomarkers that can help optimize treatment strategy are thus highly desirable. The present study is a review of published data on ctDNA in GEC patients. We identified 25 studies in which tumor-specific genetic aberrations were investigated in plasma or serum and discuss these in relation to the methods applied for ctDNA analysis. The methods used for ctDNA detection greatly influence the sensitivity of the analysis and, therefore, the potential clinical applications. We found that studies of ctDNA in GEC, although limited in number, are promising for several applications such as genetic profiling of tumors and monitoring of disease progression. However, more studies are needed to establish if and how this analysis can be clinically implemented.
Most cases of Usher syndrome type II (USH2) are due to mutations in the USH2A gene. There are no effective treatments or ideal animal models for this disease, and the pathological mechanisms of USH2 caused by USH2A mutations are still unknown. Here, we constructed a ush2a knockout (ush2a−/−) zebrafish model using TALEN technology to investigate the molecular pathology of USH2. An early onset auditory disorder and abnormal morphology of inner ear stereocilia were identified in the ush2a−/− zebrafish. Consequently, the disruption of Ush2a in zebrafish led to a hearing impairment, like that in mammals. Electroretinography (ERG) test indicated that deletion of Ush2a affected visual function at an early stage, and histological analysis revealed that the photoreceptors progressively degenerated. Rod degeneration occurred prior to cone degeneration in ush2a−/− zebrafish, which is consistent with the classical description of the progression of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Destruction of the outer segments (OSs) of rods led to the down-regulation of phototransduction cascade proteins at late stage. The expression of Ush1b and Ush1c was up-regulated when Ush2a was null. We also found that disruption of fibronectin assembly at the retinal basement membrane weakened cell adhesion in ush2a−/− mutants. In summary, for the first time, we generated a ush2a knockout zebrafish line with auditory disorder and retinal degeneration which mimicked the symptoms of patients, and revealed that disruption of fibronectin assembly may be one of the factors underlying RP. This model may help us to better understand the pathogenic mechanism and find treatment for USH2 in the future.
Publication date: Available online 20 September 2018
Source: International Journal of Psychophysiology
Author(s): I-Mei Lin
Cardiorespiratory synchronization training (CRST) uses diaphragmatic breathing to increase balance in the autonomic nervous system and reduce negative emotions. CRST integrated with high-technology mobile applications affords innovative and convenient home-based training. This study examined the effects of a CRST mobile application on heart rate variability (HRV) and electroencephalography (EEG) parameters in healthy adults. Ninety-six participants were randomly assigned to the CRST, relaxation training (RT; active control group), and control (C) groups. The CRST group received paced breathing training using a wearable device connected to a mobile application and received feedback on the HRV indices. The RT group received muscle relaxation training using a wearable device connected to a mobile application and received feedback on heart rate (HR). The training program was conducted for 1 h per week for 4 weeks. The C group did not receive any wearable device, mobile application, or psychological intervention. Psychological questionnaires on depression and anxiety and physiological measurements of the breathing rates, electrocardiography (ECG), and EEG were measured at the pretest and posttest. The CRST group showed significantly higher HRV indices and lower breathing rates at the posttest than the RT and C groups. There were no significant interaction effects on EEG parameters at pretest and posttest among the three groups. Use of a CRST mobile application increased balance in the autonomic nervous system at the resting state. This clinical evidence-based technologically advanced mobile application could be implemented in future clinical practice.
Clinical Genetics, Volume 0, Issue ja, -Not available-.
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American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, EarlyView.
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American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, EarlyView.
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Head/neck dynamic response to perturbation has been proposed as a risk factor for sports-related concussion.
The aim of this systematic review was to compare methodologies utilised to assess head/neck dynamic response to perturbation, report on magnitude, validity and reliability of the response, and to describe modifying factors.
A systematic search of databases resulted in 19 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Perturbation methods for head/neck dynamic response included load dropping, quick release and direct impact. Magnitudes of perturbation energy varied from 0.1 to 11.8 J. Head/neck response was reported as neck muscle latency (18.6–88.0 ms), neck stiffness (147.2–721.9 N/rad, 14–1145.3 Nm/rad) and head acceleration (0.2–3.8g). Reliability was only reported in two studies. Modifying factors for head/neck response included younger and older participants presenting increased responses, females showing better muscular reactivity but similar or increased head kinematics compared with males, and bracing for impact limiting muscular activity and head kinematics.
Substantial differences in experimental and reporting methodologies limited comparison of results. Methodological factors such as impact magnitude should be considered in future research.
Each methodology provides valuable information but their validity for anticipated and unanticipated head impacts measured in vivo needs to be addressed. Reports on head/neck response should include measurement of transmitted force, neck muscle latency, head linear and rotational accelerations, and neck stiffness. Modifying factors of anticipation, participants' age, sex, and sport are to be considered for head/neck dynamic response.
CRD42016051057 (last updated on 27 February 2017).
Disorders of the anterior segment of the eye encompass a variety of clinical presentations including aniridia, Axenfeld and Rieger anomalies, primary congenital glaucoma, Peters anomaly, as well as syndromal associations. These conditions have a significant impact on vision due to disruption of the visual axis, and also secondary glaucoma which occurs in over 50% of patients. Ocular anterior segment disorders occur due to a complex interplay of developmental, embryological and genetic factors, and often have phenotypic overlaps and genetic heterogeneity. Here we present a review of the clinical features and genes associated with aniridia, Axenfeld and Rieger anomalies, primary congenital glaucoma, Peters anomaly, and syndromic forms of these conditions. We also highlight phenotype–genotype correlations, recent discoveries with next-generation sequencing which broaden known phenotypes, and new anterior segment genes and pathways. We provide a guide towards genetic diagnosis for clinicians investigating patients with anterior segment dysgenesis.