Purpose: It is unclear whether the respiratory compensation point (RCP) may be used as a valid surrogate for critical power (CP). Accordingly, we sought to determine the measurement agreement between the CP and the RCP obtained during incremental cycling of varying ramp slopes. Methods: Eleven recreationally active men completed three separate ramp-incremental cycling protocols, where the work rate increment was slow (SR, 15 W·min−1), medium (MR, 30 W·min−1), or fast (FR, 45 W·min−1). The RCP was obtained using the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 output method. The CP was determined via Morton's model for ramp-incremental exercise. The assumption that the RCP and the CP occur at equivalent external work rates was assessed by one-way repeated-measures ANOVA and by evaluating the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and typical error (root-mean-square error [RMSE]) for each ramp protocol, separately. Results: The external work rate corresponding to the RCP increased with increases in the ramp-incremental slope (P
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