Source:Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 189
Author(s): G.T. De-Paula-Costa, I.C. Guerrante, J. Costa-de-Moura, F.C. Amorim
The Brazilian Nuclear Energy Agency (CNEN) is responsible for any radioactive waste storage and disposal in the country. The storage of radioactive waste is carried out in the facilities under CNEN regulation and its disposal is operated, managed and controlled by the CNEN. Oil NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) in this article refers to waste coming from oil exploitation. Oil NORM has called much attention during the last decades, mostly because it is not possible to determine its primary source due to the actual absence of a regulatory control mechanism. There is no efficient regulatory tool which allows determining the origin of such NORM wastes even among those facilities under regulatory control. This fact may encourage non-authorized radioactive material transportation, smuggling and terrorism. The aim of this project is to provide a geochemical signature for oil NORM waste using its naturally occurring isotopic composition to identify its origin. The here proposed method is the modeling of radioisotopes normally present in oil pipe contamination such as 228Ac, 214Bi and 214Pb analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The specific activities of elements from different decay series are plotted in a scatter diagram. This method was successfully tested with gamma spectrometry analyses of oil sludge NORM samples from four different sources obtained from Petrobras reports for the Campos Basin/Brazil.
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